I Nearly Wished To Be Run Over By A Car

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                    Chapter Twelve                         

I Nearly Wished To Be Run Over By A Car

Okay so I know most of you want to kill me for making you wait so goddam much for this chapter and I'm sorry but I have school and I would say 'and a life' but I don't since school is eating it all. Like zombie style or if you see Attack on Titan, just imagine my life is Eren's mom and school is a Titan.

Anyway! I wanted to apologize and also share with you, my dear readers that I have uploaded a new story to my account called; The Giant & The Pea or The Funny girl & The Midget (haven't quite figured out the title of it yet but it's a story about this very tall girl and this short guy, inspired of course by Lovely Complex and I thought it was cool since no one of the stories I have read in wattpad so far have any sort of topic. So Yeah! Check it out!

Happy Reads! 

You know something is wrong when you wake up at eight in a Satuday morning to a strange smell and smoke coming from the kitchen. My eyes widen as I rush down the stairs and hurry for the goddamn fire extinguisher, bare chested and in my underwear.

"Shit," I shout as I break the security seal and splash it all around the kitchen, a chorus of very girly shierks are heard across the room, the clouds of smoke finally fade away only to allow the view of Charlotte covered in white foam.

My mom stands before me, she's cover in flour and her guilty smile is on. "You want some pie?" I roll my eyes and sigh as I feel my muscles relaxing.

"Sorry about covering you in white frosting." I apologize as she just shakes her head and whips away the leftovers with a napkin.

"It's cool," she says as grabs mop while I pick up the trash can and fill it with all the empty ingredients used for the recepie.

"I thought mom pie thing over by now," I say as I glance at the pie's completely blacken crust.

"We were baking a chocolate banana pie," She says as she glances at me. I frown, "Your mom wants to compete in the annual pie contest, she needs to do at least three pies in order to enter."

I chuckle, my mother probably wanted to murder someone in that contest. "You're kidding right?" Charlie shakes her head and replies with a 'nop' emphasising the 'p' at the end. "You know that's impossible right? Mission impossible 34; making my mother win a cooking contest."

"Don't be dramatic," she says giving me a glare, "There isn't that much mission impossible movies. Tom Cruise is not immortal." She jokes, "Besides, have some faith in your mom, she's really trying hard."

Before I can reply, my mom bursts into the room, she has a new set of shopping bags secured around her arms. She shuts the front door with her feet and hurries toward the kitchen cabinet. "Okay," her smile is back at her lips, "Let's get this thing started. We're just missing two pies, it can't be that hard."

"But Mrs. Harries, I haven't finish cleaning."

My mom waves her hand up and down, "Forget about the cleaning, Charlie. Dean can take of it. Right darling?" My mom grabs Charlie's arm and pulls her towards her, "We got more important things to do."

I sigh as I can't really fight my mother off and proceed with my new cleaning duties. I keep an eye close to my mother, just in case she tries to burn the house again.

It takes my mother about twenty, I swear, twenty attemps for her to get the average crust by herself. "I finally got it!" She shouts in happiness and I can't help but allow this smile to form upon my face. "Oh my god!" She turns to me as she jumps up and down. "I did it!" She embrasses Charlotte in a tight hug as she jumps, Charlotte looks kind of tired and a bit uncomfortable with her action. "Okay, let's get to the other one!" She says with a glimmer of determination. Charlotte doesn't complain, she just smiles and tries to instruct her carefully.

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