Bus Drivers Must Die

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Chapter Four
Bus Drivers Must Die


"Are you serious?" Everyone asks shock, all their attention on Lacey.

"I'm telling you guys, blue hair." Lacey emphasize the word 'blue', Felicity's eyes widen as she touches her hair.

She shoves me a very confused glare. "What do you think, Dean? Would you like my hair blue?" She jokes and I force a smile, not because it isn't funny but because of the next words. 

"Her parents must be some kind of hippies," Jason says as he bites off his turkey sandwich. My head plays with the many scenes that could happened if I told them 'Hey, she's living with my family'.

Lacey wraps her arms around Jason's shoulders, she stares at him as he talks and whips away 'sweetly' a mayonnaise stain across his face.

"You have something in there," She smiles displaying her white pearls, Jason gives her a nod and continues with his sandwich. She leans her head against her chest, as they all continue to comment of the newest addition to the student body.

"I think her hair is cool," Starbucks says and everyone roll their eyes. Yet Jason is silently crying in laughter with the reaction of everyone.

"Aren't you an annoying little thing?" Felicity says with sarcasm and a bit of hater. Ever since John joined us, she's been like this. John is a total pushover, he is Jason's caffeine supply for his often hangovers (the origin of the name) but he is cool. His geeky ways make Jason laugh and so he was instantly part of the gang.

Starbucks limits himself to answer her back, because we all know; doesn't have anything better to say. Jason sets free from Lacey's hold and wraps his arms around John's torso.

"Leave him alone," Jason pouts and John returns the hug, "He's mah bitch." Jason's grin gets wilder as he awaits for John to return the local joke.

"Ain't nobody got time for that," John whispers and Jason burst into laughter, everyone ignores their incomprehensible jokes and continue to criticize blue hair girl.

I can see from the distance, she's wearing a t-shirt and jeans. I wonder why she puts so much black shit around her green eyes. As she walks, Jasper stops her.

Jasper is one of those guys that spends more time drugging himself than breathing. He and his group of friends are what I would call a bunch of slackers and junkies. I don't even know why they go to school, I think it's like a contest for them, to see how much classes they can stand before another refilled.

Of course, he hits on the smurf, that girl is his total type. He offers her a cigarette, which she takes, and begins to walk with her.

"I knew Jasper would welcome to his club, she's fits nicely the profile of a burn out." Felicity smiles to me, "I should be a medium. Both freaks, meant to be."


When I get home, I stumble my bag aside from the door and throw my life at the bed.




"Dean!" My mother whispers as she runs toward my room, her makeup is halfway done and she has this tubes bouncing up and down her head. "How did it go?" She asks excitedly.

"Hi, mom." My reply earns a slap in my leg.

"Dean Harris, I want all the details! Did you show Charlie around? What did your friends say?"

"She gives a lot to talk about," I fake smile and my mom gasps and smiles.

"Dean, you be nice with her. Make her feel welcome as if she was family-"

"That's sick mom, she's not my family."

"Just be kind. You have no idea what she has been through." She squeezes my hand, I look up to her. She looks at me with such eyes that I have to agree to. Not really meaning to fulfill it, of course.

"Fine," I state stubbornly, her smile widens and she jumps at me to hug me. I can't help but let this chuckle escape from my lips.

"I love you, Dean." She wraps me around tightly.

"Mom - I'm turning blue." I breath. 

She parts away and looks at her phone.  "It's getting dark, should I be worried?" She says. "Is she with any friend? Or is the bus always this late?" She looks at the window and gasps. She rushes to the door. "Charlie!" 

The girl is halfway through the porch, she's soaking wet. "Oh, get in come on, quickly. You're gonna catch a cold. What happened?"

"Yeah, I lost the bus, sorry." 

"Darling, you should've called me or Dean. You've walked all the way in the rain? It's a thirty minute walk!" She has her hand set on her chest, she looks like she's about to have a heart attack. She looks back at me. "Dean Harris, you make sure to give Charlie a ride home from now on." Her eyes are back at her. "Let me get you some towels, honey."

Bus Driver of St. Germain, rute 78, I hope you rot in the deepest of hell.

Picture of Lacey in the side

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