Like Little Brothers

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Chapter Seven

Like Little Brothers

"It's so super sweet! You look like little brothers," Jason grabs me by the neck and presses his knuckles against my head. I nearly pull his arm whole, Jason laughs at my reaction.

Carter joins and ambushes us wrapping both of his arms around our shoulders, "They look more like a couple you know? We should call them Dea-what's the name of the chick again?"

"I'll rip your eyes out of their sockets," I limit myself to say as they laugh hysterical. My cap stays at home, it's useless to hide it now. The people whom I didn't want to see it, saw it.

"How the fuck did that happened man?" Jason asks and I really can't think of an excuse for it.

"I don't know, the shampoo or something," I shrug and continue walking. She's going to pay hard for what she did.

"What did you wash you head with? Intense blueberry wave?" Jason says not believing a shit of what I was saying.

"Come on, man. We know you Harris, you wouldn't bloody dyed your hair blue...would you?"

"I already told you, I don't know what happen."

"Man if you are gay-" Carter is interrupted by my fist colliding his stomach. He groans and chocks trying to breath, Jason just burst in this annoying high pitched laughter.

"I swear you got the shittiest laugh, Jason." I say as I roll my eyes and proceed to my next class as this two idiots keep fooling around. "Fuck no," I mumble as I say Lacey and Felicity approaching.

Felicity's eyebrow arcs. "Did you just mouthing fuck no?" She asks accusatively. Lacey rolls her eyes and runs toward her boyfriend.

"No?" I lie.

"Baby!" She squeaks as she launches herself at Jason. She smiles at him as he catches her with his right arm and began to kiss.

I barf a little in my mouth.

"We need to talk," Is all she says and I roll my eyes. I walk away not waiting to hear it, she calls me from afar and manages to pull me by the shirt in an effort to stop me.

"What?" I ask a little too touchy. She has her hands in her hips as she sighs.

"Someone saw you getting out of your car early this morning," For a moment I'm out of breath but I keep my cool.

"So?" I make a face, "I do it all the time."

"With a girl," she clenches her teeth as the words leave her mouth, trying to keep her temper.

"My point exactly," I say as I raise my eyebrow.

"Except this was a girl with blue hair," She gives me a look, I inhale deeply, trying to calm myself down. "It's only a matter of time before we find out, so please, before we all start making theories, explain me?"

I look away and lick my lips, fuck this shit in the flipping ass and the goddam mother that procreate it. "She's living with me." I say as I try to keep the less conctact as possible.

Felicity's eyes widen in shock, she scowls, "Excuse me?"

"She's living with me," I whisper in a low voice as Felicity just backs away.

"What the hell?" She asks as she awaits for me to explain.

"My parents sighed up for some kind of foster parenting shit and-. I don't know okay? I don't know what my parents were thinking. All I know is that I come after practice and she's dinning and my parents are calling her my new 'sister'."

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