Chapter two🖤

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~~ 3 days later ~~

》Y/n POV《

2 days ago we all graduated so happy to be done with school . Today the boys are going to a blink 182 concert I had to wake them up the drive to the concert was 2 hours so they had to get going they are going to take slims moms car.

》Colsons POV《

I feel someone rubbing my shoulder saying "hey Colson you have to get up and get ready " very sweetly I knew it was y/n . I slowly open my eyes she smiled then kissed my head
"come on I made breakfast..well i just put out pop tarts " and laughed a little 'got I love that laugh ' I thought.  I got up walked into the kitchen and she started waking up slim .

I watched as slim grabbed a pop tart and sat next to me in the living room I was watching Jackass "do you guys want something to drink " y/n said from the kitchen "OJ" "same" we said "ok two OJs coming up "
She came walking in with are drinks and sat in the middle of us

//20 minutes later //

》Y/n POV 《

"You guys better get going you know your mom is going to keep you for at least 45 minutes " I said  "yeah your right "the boys said at the same time  and got up walking to there room. I grab there cups and started doing dishes. 10 minutes later the boys came out of there room I wiped my hands on the dish rag. "Alright we are heading out" slim said hugging me
"Ok call me if you need anything " hugging Colson " ok love you see you tomorrow " kells said walking out the door "love you guys" i yelled .
I put on music and decided to clean the rest of the house .
I went in the boys room and started cleaning in there I finished slims side . I walked to cols side and found a journal on his desk next to his bed me being nosy I opened up were there was a  bookmark and read " me and y/n watched shameless last night and ate snacks and then we fell asleep in eachother's arms it was the perfect night to me I dont know if she felt the same ...I mean I have loved this girl since we first met in 5th grade math class but feel like if I tell her how I really feel I will lose my best friend. Today we graduate and i get to do all this with her a part of me thinks if i dont do it with her by my side I won't do it at all. I mean she believes I can be somebody and she is one of few but she never doubt not for a second I could do it even if I doubt it. Maybe one day we could be happily ever." I sat on his bed shocked 'fuckin hell.. omg this cant be happening rn we feel the same ' I thought laying back on his bed "oh my God"

》Colons POV 《

Me and slim got the hotel room that y/n got us.
she made sure we had everything together.
I was sitting on my bed thinking about y/n her smile,her voice,her y/h/l  y/h/c, her y/e/c.
When slim came over leaving his hand in my face saying " hey man you good"
"yeah man"
"thought I lost you there "
"Just thinking"
"About what "
"..." I  said nothing
"Oh my God your thinking about y/n ain't you "
"No I'm not" I roll my eyes
"Yess you are your in loooove "
"Man shit up with that shit "
"Whatevet you know I'm right " slim said then got up and went to the bathroom
'Fuck why was he right ' I thought to myself

               ------Time Skip-----

Me and Slim got front row.Slim left to get us drinks . this girl next me would not stop rubbing up on me I just did not say anything just ignored it then slim came back with drinks and the concert started. I was planning on getting blackout drunk .

》Y/n POV 《

I made a sandwich and sat on the couch and called my cousin aka my best friend (Y/n your cousin)

"Hey bro I have to tell you something about colson"

"I dont get a Hey y/c/n (your cousin name) how are you or hey what are you doing "

"Whatever bro so I was cleaning and i found cols journal an-" I was cut off by him

"Do not tell me you read it"

"I di-"

"Y/nn you cant d-"

"Stop cutting me off anyway he wrote about how much he loved me but does not want to tell me ... he is at a concert rn but when he gets home I'm goin to tell him i love him to when hes home" I could not stop smiling

"Tell him he feels the same so what do you have to worry about you have liked him since when you first met him "

" I know I'm already nervous "

" dont be .. I love you cuz I have to go goodnight "

"Ok thanks love you to night "

*Call End*

After that I went to bed

》Colson POV 《

The next morning I woke up in a random bed and look to my right and see a naked girl. " oh shit " I said

A/n do you guys like this

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