Cailfornia 😶

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Me and casie were sitting on the beach playing in the sand and Colson was with my cousin y/c/n and brother smoking a joint

Casie pointed up "dada" I gasped and looked behind me and saw col he came and sat next to me picking up casie "what was that " he asked her "dada" he laughed "yeah " he said to her then looked at me " I'm going to take her to the water" "ok"
Him and my brother walked down to the water and my cousin sat next
"so hows it going with him " he asked
"Good.. we into a pretty bad fight the other night but were good now" I said with a smile
"about what"
"Nothing he was just drunk"
"You have told me everything since we were born you can tell me "
"Fine... he got drunk and we got in a fight about how casie wasn't my daughter.....but were fine now"
"No that's fucked up he shouldn't say that " he said then went to get up "hey stop were fine so dont fuck it up "
"You know what your right I should just let him treat you like shit " he yelled getting up "will you shit up you said I could tell you " I said standing up " fuck off " " whatever" I watched him grab his shit and leave I walked down to the water and saw my brother in the water with casie play and Colson was sitting far away for some reason so I walked over to him to see him crying I sat next to him he wiped his face I rubbed his back "hey" he said with a sad smile "you ok "
"I'm fine just thinking" "about" "nothing" "baby look at me you can tell me anything" " some times I just think .*he started crying again *..I just think you guys wo-would be better with out me " hes voice cracked at the end then toke a shakey breath I hugged him he cried into my shoulder "shhh no baby we both need you so much "
"DADA" I look over and see casie crawling over to us my brother not to far behind her col wiped his tears and pick her up "hey baby" he said and kissed her head

We got back to my grandmas house and my cousin was sitting on the couch with a pissed off face "where's y/b/n " he said "met up with some friends " my grandma walked in the room "hey I'm making dinner are you going to stay"
She said " yeah of course just going to shower" "ok" we walked to our room
"Baby you want to shower first "
"No you go ahead baby" he said
"K" I pecked his lips and kissed cas head
I finished getting dressed and went to walk out of the bathroom when I heard col talking "I hope you know how much I love you and im trying the best I can to give you and your mom a great life and it's going to get hard but i think it will get better baby I hope I does and all I want to do is be home with you and your mom " kissing her head .I walked out and col had a sad face I walked over and kissed his head "I love you " "I love you too baby..I think me and her are going to shower " "ok"

》Colsons POV《

I finished my shower a called out the door "baby can you take her please "I asked "yeah" she walked over and grabbed her " did you have a shower with dada " she said in a baby voice walking away

I walked out the my girls were no wear in the room so I walked out and saw y/n her mom,dad,brother,cousin ,grandma and casie all sitting at the table puting food on there plate I sat with y/n on myright and her brother on my left her put some food on my plate we were all eating when y/ns cousin said "so Colson you finally making enough money for y/n not to work "
I was surprised he said that I want to say something when y/n said "I think it's none of your business "
"I dont think I fucking asked you" he said to her
"Watch it " i said he looked at me
"What are you going to do um Colson"
"Can you stop we are just trying to have a nice dinner bro"
"Why are you even here "
"Because his my boyfriend " y/n said
"You need to stop y/c/n" her grandma "NO SHE SHOULD NOT BE WORKING AND TAKEING CARE OF A KID THATS NOT EVEN HERS" he yelled
"SHES NOT YOUR FUCKIN KID HE FUCKED SOMONNE ELSE THEN TOLD YOU HE LOVED YOU WHEN HE DIDN'T JUST SO YOU COULD TAKE CARE OF HIS KID" "YOU DONT KNOW SHIT" I said "STOP" her dad said slamming his hand on the table casie start crying y/n pick she up and walked away you could tell she was going to cry "your fucked up man" I said getting up from the table I walked into the room and saw casie casie playing on the floor and y/n all against the wall just zoned out on the floor with a tear going down her face I sat next to her she put her head on my shoulder I kissed her head "I love you I've loved you since the day we met " " i know baby i love you too" she kissed my shoulder "we did good with her so far " she said I sigh "yeah you did"she looked at me "we did it all not just me " i shrugged " we should get her ready for bed " "yeah I got it " "No i got her " i said getting up "hi babygirl should we get ready for bed uh uh baby" I said in a baby voice

》Y/ns POV 《

I got in bed as col got cas ready for bed

I did not mean to fall asleep but I guess I did I woke up on kells chest to cas crying I went to get up but but him stopped me "I got it you sleep" "you sure ""yeah" he got her back to sleep then climbed back in bed and pulled me into him and kissed my head "night babygirl " "night handsome"

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