Lace up❤

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Time skip

Colson left for tour two months ago.
The first week we talked everyday now I have only talked to him twice and it was just texting.

I was sitting on the couch watching a movie with cas when she said "where's everyone mama" "well daddy  your uncles and auntie ash are on tour" "where's uncle y/b/n" " they moved back to California" "is grandma home can we go see her" "yeah we can" "and call daddy" "yeah we can call daddy"
I pick up my phone and facetime Colson .
"Hey what's up" slim said
"Hey col there I got a little girl that's missing her daddy"
"Um hes not doing to well"
"Oh um have him call me then"
"But I would love to talk to my gorgeous girl"
"Um yeah yeah" I give cas the phone "hey uncle B" "hey sweet girl what you doin" "nothing..OH i got a new toy i want to show you " getting up

Im sitting on slim and dubs moms "so  hows things with kells" she asked "i um i dont know" "what the hell that mean" "i haven't talk to him in a month almost two" "why" "hes not answering my calls slim answered cols phone this morning" "call his ass right now " " he wont answer " "then call slim call dub" "i dont want to involve them" "if you dont call his ass right now i will" "ok mama". I got up and walked outside and called col no answer. dub no answer. Slim finally picked up on the third facetime call "can i talk to kells" "he ca-" "just put him on the fuckin phone slim" he hands the phone to col "what the fuck is up with you" i ask "nothing" "somthing" "i just got some stuff i want to talk to you about when i get home" "why not right now" "because" "can you just tell me im sick of not talking to you and your daughter wants to talk to you" " fine... im back on drugs"

》Colsons POV《

"And idk if i want to get off" i added i see her face drop "any-um anything else" "ill tell you when i get home" "no just tell me" "i can't" "yes you can just fuckin tel-" "after i get home nicky going to get casie part time" "your joking right" "no" "so you just mean that decided that with out me" "its what best for casie" "her mom didn't want her and now her dad gets fame and money and she wants back in her life you find nothing wrong with that"
"Baby im s-" "no just stop... do you want to talk to cas" she said with glossy eyes "yeah please"

"Hey babygirl" "hey daddy" she said with a big smile "what are you doing "
"Im at grandmas"

》y/ns POV《

I walked into the bathroom and wipe my eyes. Why would he do that and not tell me and the drugs are back again. I hear a soft knock at the door i open it and see casie "daddy wants you mommy" i toke the phone

》Colsons POV《

"Hey" she said then wiped her eyes "look baby im sorry ok I'll tell her no until we can talk more" "k...i dont know how to feel about the drugs again colson after the overdosed ... i dont want it to change you ..for you to be someone else" hear her say that and seeing her cry broke my heart. "Im being safe ok i promise ok.. i miss and love you guys so much... ill be home soon" " you...can you start call me" " of course baby love you"
"How'd that go" slim asked "not good"
"I told you to talk to her" ash said

Week later

Should be home in 10 minutes:)

cant wait😁
Casies sleeping when you get here you can wake her up

We were droping off slim and dub at they moms house same with ash rook and baze.
I was walking up to the door i unlocked the door . I almost got tackled by y/n "hi baby" i whispered
"I missed you so much" she said . I put my bags down and picked her up wrapping her legs around my waist. She pulled away cupping my face and kissed me like never before i heard "DADDY" y/n jumped down . I pick cas  up "i missed you princess "
"i missed you daddy"

I was laying in bed with casie asleep on my chest and my arm around y/n as she slept.

Its been like 7 hours since i lasted used so i got up and walked in the bathroom and poured some on this tray i had then chopped it in to line.
I put my nose to it and sordid and put  my head back . The door slowly opened y/n behind it her jaw dropped abit but she closed it quickly "um sorry" she whispered and closed the door.
I walked into the room y/n was in the bed curled into a ball i got in next to her spooning her. "Im sorry" i said 
"Just keep it away from us...(she rolled over to face me) why do you do it ..i guess i get why you did it when you were younger but why now" " i guess it just blocks out all the bad so I can focus on the good stuff...i dont know im sorry. Im being careful and im not doing it alot. I promise" "im just nervous you're going to change and um not-not be the person I fell in love with" she said then wiped her eyes. I pulled her closer to me she cried a bit into my chest i kissed her head .
I heard her softly snoring . I dont know how or why she puts up with me im puting this on her and shit with nicky.

Her Song  \\\ Colson Baker (MGK)Where stories live. Discover now