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Phil's POV-

It had been months since Dan had left. The hand written letter rests atop my bed side table, a piece of him just a glance away from me. In his absence, school had been very quiet. It hadn't taken too long for word to get around about what Chris had done, leaving him wondering the corridors by himself.

Pj and I had slowly and hesitantly bonded over missing Dan, but it didn't take long for us to find out that wasn't the only thing we had in common. It took time, a lot of time, but things started looking better. I started spending less nights curled up in bed in self despair while reading the letter over and over. And spending more time with Pj, then with Pj's friends who took quite a liking to me, then finally I started to smile just that little more each day.

For the first time in my life, people were giving me a chance, and it was one of the best feelings. Maybe I still hadn't heard from the only woman I'd spent my whole life trying to make proud, but I had heard from my aunt that she was on a full recovery and was out of hospital.

Pj had soon convinced me about taking classes more seriously, soon after our friendship had blossomed. It took a while for me to agree, but believe it or not, apparently I am capable of pushing my grades up. I don't think Dan would ever believe the changes I've made since he's left, but I know he'd be proud. Although one thing hasn't changed, "the smoking shed" is still my escape every now and then, like they say, old habits die hard.

Everything has been so good, people actually talk to me like an individual now, no more dirty looks or whispered rumours as I walk down the corridors. Not all the teachers dread me in there lessons either, well apart from some that just love to keep grudges.


I'd just got back from my English class, my favourite. The seating plan hadn't changed, I still sat at the far back, near the window with an empty chair next to me. For me, that was the best view, you could see straight through the scattered trees all the way to the surrounding wall in the background. Every time I sat in that class, I couldn't help but smile at the memory of me and Dan sneaking out, Dan struggling to get up the wall but being too embarrassed to say anything.

After leaving the classroom, I headed straight back to my room, dumping my school bag and wanting to grab my phone left on charge before I go meet Pj and the others in the common room. I slumped back onto my bed, unplugging my phone and seeing if there were any notifications. About to shove it into my jeans pocket and be off, I was caught off guard at the vibration in my hand. It was weird for me to get a text literally just after I'd left the others, they wouldn't need to text me at this time.

Unlocking it, I saw it was from a number I didn't recognise. Curiously I clicked on the message trying to think who on earth it could be that I already didn't have in my contacts. Confused, I clicked on the picture that had been sent from the mystery number. My breathe caught in my throat, this couldn't be real, could it?

The picture was the reflection of a boy around the same age of me, sat at a train window, his iPhone taking the picture of him. Even in the reflection you could see his skin was lightly tanned, dark hair framing his face, matching his eyes.

It was only after my phone vibrated again that I was broken out of my daze, this time the message was an actual text. Not wasting any time, I quickly read it.

~so I'm on my way to this school to see this guy, you think he'd be interested in seeing me? Or maybe even a little bit happy that I'll soon be going to that same school again? Maybe?
-love Dan ;3 xxx~

I hadn't even noticed the tears starting to flow down my face, or the way my heart was beating so fast I swear the people next door could hear it. All I could do was smile, each side spreading up to my watering eyes.

~yes yes yes you have no idea how happy I am right now, I've missed you so much xxxx~

My shaky hands jabbed at the keyboard, I couldn't believe this was happening. As soon as I replied, the number was now ringing me. I answered, just needing to hear his voice again, just wanting to know that this was all real.


And this was actually happening. I didn't think it could, but my life had gotten even better than I thought was possible. The only boy I'd ever felt this way towards was now on his way here.

My Dan. My beautiful Dan.








A/N- okay hello, it's finally finished!! :'D Thank you ever so much for reading this, and for all the comments and votes, I really didn't think anyone was going to be very interested in this, so it means a lot! Also I know my writings been quite a train wreck through out all this, so thank you for sticking with it if you got this far!;) Once again, thanks, and I hope you enjoyed it!:) <3


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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