Chapter 2

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It took me longer than I'm proud of to find the boys corridor, but I did get there with out bumping into any other cocky, gorgeous boys. I was left pretty flustered after my little meeting with this Phil guy. I can't stop thinking about how attractive he is... and also how much of an idiot he must think I am. My mum would definitely be cringing if she knew about all my failed first impressions today. But I've got one more person to meet tonight, and if I screw this one up then I am officially the most awkward human being walking.

The only sound in the long corridor were the squeak of the wheels of my suitcase that desperately needed oiling. As usual, I was mumbling to myself as I went along, presuming most people were asleep anyway.

"35... 36.. 37.. 30-" Stumbling back and banging my elbow on the door I almost walked past, I feel like I'd already made the worst first impression already. I really didn't want to be known as the clumsy new kid who wakes everyone up in the middle of the night... Yeah I don't think that would be great thing to be known as.

As quietly possible for my fumbling hands, I turned the door handle, trying unbelievably hard to not make a sound as I pushed the door open. Surprisingly, the room was flooded with light letting me see everything inside. The walls were a creme colour, but on one side they were mostly covered with band and T.V. posters surrounding a bed with dark coloured draws as a bedside table and a matching wardrobe at the end. The other side of the room was identical, without the posters or clutter, it had no personality at all yet.

"Um... hi?" A slim boy slightly shorter than me strode out of what I'm guessing is the bathroom and stared at me, confusion covered his face.

"Hey, I'm Dan, Dan Howell, I'm new." I confidently projected my voice across the room as well as I could while offering a steady hand to shake and a side smile. Yes, this is good, keep it up.

He seemed to relax straight away and shook my hand, laughing slightly as he did.

"Shit, I completely forgot I was getting a new roommate. I'm Tom, by the way. It's good to finally have some company." He seemed genuinely cheerful. I think I like him. Yeah I could live with him only metres away from my bed. He didn't come across psychotic at all, so all my worrying of getting a room mate that would murder me in my sleep completely disappeared.

Now having met my roommate, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and I actually felt relaxed for the first time today. I dragged my worn out suitcase over to my bed and stated pulling dark clothes out and into my wardrobe.

"Hey, um, I know it's a bit rude, but I'm gonna go to sleep now, cause I got football training early tomorrow. Like I want to get to know you a bit, but coach is a right bitch if we're not refreshed enough in the morning and all. So yeah, sorry man." He finished with an awkward neck scratch, probably worrying about my reaction.

"Yeah, that's fine, don't worry about it, I'm probably gonna sleep soon anyway, had a long journey up here and that." Obviously happy with my response, Tom pulled his t-shirt over his head, now only in grey trackies, as he climbed in bed.

"Night, Dan. Just come find me tomorrow if you want anything."

I agreed, even though I knew I wouldn't need him. As I packed my last things away, the only thing I could think about was how I was going to bump into Phil again tomorrow.


A/N- will be updated very soon:) most likely tomorrow


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