Chapter 11

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WARNINGS- swearing, slight making out

We'd been running (yes, running) around like idiots for ages. Acting like it was the first time we'd ever been in the rain. As always, no one else had attempted to go outside in this weather. Except us.

Starting to shiver slightly, we sheltered under the over sized roof of the shed, huddled together almost.

"You know, I really love the rain." Phil's voice shattered the peaceful silence we'd had before hand, just too engrossed in watching the rain splatter on tree's leaves.

"Hm, I'd never really thought twice about it, to be honest."

I watched him look deep in thought, taking every opportunity I could get to take in his appearance.

"It's just, it sounds stupid but, I love being out in this. There's no one else here apart from who you want to be. You can just escape from everyone. Which sounds weird cause you're outside, and anyone is entitled to come out here if they want to. But they don't. It's as if I like having something that people want to avoid more than they do me. It's... reassuring."

God this boy's amazing. I just wish he'd stop putting himself down constantly.

"You know, I think you're wrong."  His face was soaked in complete confusion as he took in what I said. Before he could reply, I carried on.

"I think the rain is beautiful. It's misunderstood by most people because they don't take the time to come outside and be in it. Lots of people say they don't like it, but it's not the rains fault, the rain can't help that this is the way it is. It's wonderful and almost quite unique really. Not many things are like it, people should give it more of a chance, you know? If they did, I'm sure they would appreciate it just as much as I do, because it's fucking amazing and I'm so glad I had the chance to see it."

Staring into my eyes, almost astonished, his lips kept parting a few times. Almost as if he couldn't create the right words to answer with.

"Was that only about the rain, Dan?.." Voice only just a whisper as he spoke closely to my face.

"Of course it wasn't."

Grabbing me as soon as the words left my mouth, he wrapped his arms tightly around me, enclosing me in a loving hug.

"Thank you."

My only response was to wrap my arms around his neck, head buried. This was something I could get used to. Our quick embrace was soon finished as he pulled away slightly, looking at me with a mischievous grin across his face. I knew he was planning something that wasn't allowed.

"You wanna leave?"

Slightly taken aback with confusion, I muttered. "What?.."

"Do you wanna get out the school for the day?..." He looked so excited, I couldn't exactly say no to that face. I didn't have the most thrilling lessons today either, and the rain was now slowly coming to a stop.

"Okay... but how the hell are we just gonna up and leave? You know we can't leave school grounds without permission. They definitely won't let us skip class either..."

His smile never faltered as he listened to my worries.

"Stop worrying, okay? Just follow me."

Once again we were hand in hand, Phil dragging me as he ran, excitement twinkling in his eyes. We'd been standing next to the almost ancient shed in the pathetic attempt of a vegetable garden, which was round the back of the school, around the corner from the courtyard. That was the furthest I'd ever ventured away from the school. But this was not the case any longer. Dragging me past the vegetable patches and bushes, we kept going along the grass area that circled the school. Random trees were scattered all over the place. As we kept running, my breathing getting worse as we went, I suddenly realised where we were heading. The brick wall that surrounded the whole school ground was getting closer and closer.

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