Chapter 7

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**A/N- Happy New Year!! I'm back :3, but im also back at school tomorrow :/ so I'm not sure what days ill be updating but I will be as often as I can (a week will probably be the longest I'll leave it if i have to) thanks!

Also this is Phil's point of view for what had been happening in the last couple chapters:)**

WARNINGS- swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of alcoholism, smoking

-Phil's POV-

"Please don't cry Ellen, we'll get through this." It's a pathetic attempt to comfort the drunk girl sobbing in front of me, I knew this but I still tried to sound reassuring.

"No! We won't, because their is no we anymore, is there?" Hysterical crys escaped her mouth, her hands violently shaking as she started grabbing her hair. "There hasn't been an us in a long time Phil! When will you realise this!?" She was still sobbing as she stared at me.

Finally hearing those words escape her pretty little lips, it hurt. It hurt a lot. I don't know why I was upset, because she was right. We are no longer, and haven't been for a while, a couple or anything else close to it. We'd been "dating" for about a year and a half now. I don't think either of us have actually felt much for each other through the whole so called relationship. Sure she was pretty, and we fucked a lot, and I knew about all of her demons, and she knew some messed up memories from my childhood. But that was it. Nothing special. It wasn't something that was on my mind 24/7. She didn't take my breathe away when ever I glanced at her. She didn't make me loose all concentration when I was around her. She was just the human contact I needed and I never received until we became a "thing".

The room had eventually become silent. Her awful sobbing had stopped, she just looked dazed, her leg jiggling slightly as she sat on my bed. I just stood in front of her, not daring to say anything in case it set the water works off again.

"I'm sorry Phil, I shouldn't have come here in this state." Her voice was croaky from all the crying. "I know I promised I'd stop drinking and get my shit together, but I just had one rough moment, okay? Just a mistake. It won't happen again. I promise. Because I've got you, right?"

Desperation wasn't a good look on her. Had she forgotten what she said less than 10 minutes ago? And now the gently spoken promise, the one I'd fallen for many times beofre. But this time was different. I think I had finally escaped her smothering fakeness, now seeing her as she really is. A pathetic, teen alcoholic.

"No,you haven't got me anymore. I'm done with you. All you do is make the same empty promise again and again. You mess up every time and just expect me to pick up all the pieces. Do you know how many times I've taken the blame for all that shit you drink? I don't even fucking drink myself! You're all the same. You care more about that crap you poison yourself with than the people around you. I've been here before and now I've let it all hapoen again. Well now I'm done with it. Fuck you." I spat every word at her, letting it all out.

Her face crumbled once more, but I was out the door before she could start again. Hearing her scream my name as I stormed down the corridor. I just couldn't believe her. I'd finally got a chance of getting to know Dan, then she stormed in and ruined it. God, I almost forgot about Dan, the beautiful brunette, with the chocolate eyes and chapped lips. I chuckled lightly as I remembered the slight blush he had when I took him from the common room to my dorm.

His gorgeous face soon left my mind as I made my way down the main stairs, which were full of people heading to the cafeteria for dinner. A lot of the boys started staring at me. Some were whispering with weary faces while others just stayed at a safe distance from me. Then I heard a deep voice coming from someone who obviously sucks at whispering. That's when I realised they'd all heard it. Well, not exactly what was being said by me and Ellen. But they heard her hysterical crying and my shouting, leading to the start of many rumours on what happened. All seemed to point to me as the badguy. Of course they all blame me. I rolled my eyes at how wrong they were.

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