Chapter 8

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WARNINGS- swearing

-Dan's POV-

I was definitely not a morning person. I rolled over looking at the clock. This has got to be the earliest I've ever got up before. But really it isn't even that early, I'm just lazy and like to sleep till 1 in the afternoon. Hitting the alarm clock, the screeching finally came to a silence. Some how managing to crawl from the bed to the shower with out falling asleep again I got showered and dressed. Sneaking my hairdryer and straighteners into the bathroom, just in case Tom actually was awake and was watching me walk in and out of the room. His loud snoring told me other wise though, but better safe than sorry, I'd rather him not know the struggle of taiming my wild curls.

As I left the bathroom, Tom was finally up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"What the hell are you doing up? I thought you said you like, don't do mornings?" His tiredness was evident from his slurring, making me hide a laugh.

"I just wanted to not leave it 10 minutes before I have to go, for once." I quickly slipped my hair stuff in my draw as he headed to the bathroom, almost walking into the door frame.

"Right... Um, we got half an hour before 1st period."


"So what you got first?" Tom asked, not looking at me but his black and white Nikes he was trying up on the edge of his bed.

"English, you?" I was hoping he'd have the same so that I'd have someone, I didn't want to be a loner on my first day of classes. From experience, loners are targets.

"Oh... I got geography. Sorry dude." That is not what i wanted to hear. Tom did actually look sorry, a new look for the boy who never seemed to be serious.

"Oh right, don't worry, I'm sure I can find someone." Complete bullshit, and I could see he didn't believe it either.

I glanced at the clock as Tom stood up. 08:50, ten minutes till class starts. I stood up grabbing my black and white chequered bag, slinging it on one shoulder. I quickly looked down at myself, black skinny jeans with a black (I don't own many colours okay) t-shirt with an eclipse in the middle. To some people it just looked like a white circle that had been drawn by someone with arthritis. Completely black converse were on my feet, looking a bit trashed now... I need to get new ones soon.

"You coming?" I nodded to Tom, following after him down the main stairs, stopping at one of the corridors leading onto it.

Apparently Geography, History and English are all down one corridor, Maths and Science on another, Religious Education and Sex Ed in another, languages all together and Design and Technology also on one together. I'd never been nore thankful for such organisation as I was able to walk along with Tom to the corridor. We looked like an odd pair together. He was wearing denim jeans that were tighter at the ankle and kind of saggy at his but. A light blue t-shirt with "superdry" etched across his broad chest in yellow. The way the shirt was cut showed off his muscles he was obviously very proud of. Where as I was tall and slightly lanky, dressed head to toe in black walking next to him and making small talk.

"Right, this is the English room. I'm all the way down there, so I'll see you later okay?" We stopped at the back of the line apparently outside my English class.

"Alright mum." I laughed, taking the piss out of the way he was almost mothering me about my first day.

He laughed, shoving my shoulder slightly "Shut the fuck up" he laughed once more then was off down to the other end of the corridor.

"Hey, Dan!" Turning my head I was met with Chris's releived face. "Oh god,I'm so glad I've actually got someone decent in here finally." He laughed, looking around to make sure nobody else had heard him.

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