01: spilled coffee

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"seungcheol! why are you so late today? did your lecturer overrun the timings again?" soonyoung whined as seungcheol sat down with an annoyed expression.

"nah, i had to change my clothes because some dumb kid that knocked over his coffee on me," he scoffed as he rolled his eyes upon recalling the earlier incident.

"anyway, back to what we were saying, let's play the truth or dare game we always played back then," chan beamed with excitement. "so who's in?"

seungcheol avoided eye contact, signalling that he clearly did not want to participate in the lame game. as far as he remembers, the last time he played this game, he got suspended from school for a week because of a stupid prank on a teacher.

"count me in, your dares are super lame anyway," jun teased, laughing at him jokingly. "i won't go easy on you guys this time!" chan puffed his chest and said proudly.

"so everybody's in...come on seungcheol! don't be a wet blanket and join!" everyone started to persuade seungcheol as they called out his name.

"okay, okay. whatever. you'd better not give me anything ridiculous like last time!" he points to chan as he gave that warning. he then sighed as he thought, what am gonna get myself into this time...

after chan decided the dares for the others, he thought hard for seungcheol's one.

"hm," his eyes glanced around the cafeteria trying to find ideas for his dare. his eyes then land on a pale boy with fluffy brown hair in a white oversized shirt. he seemed like he was sitting alone doing his assignments peacefully though the cafeteria was loud and kind of distracting.

"oh! seungcheol, you see that boy there? try making him.. uh, fall in love with you." chan smirked evilly with his arms folded together. while seungcheol on the other end tried to make out what's happening.

"chan. that's literally, the guy that spilled coffee on me." seungcheol said in a dead tone. could his day get any worse? the careless nerd that accidentally pour coffee on his white uniform. white uniform. and now he was suppose to show some affection for that one guy who might lead him to get a big scolding from his mom and spoiled his whole mood? no way.

"hah! it makes it better then! he'll know who you are for sure then!" mingyu butted in the conversation, laughing at seungcheol's misery.

looking at seungcheol's face, it immediately showed a 'are you serious' look. he had no words. why did he agree to this again?

upon that, chan teased, "i told you i wouldn't go easy! but don't worry, you're not the only one, i also dared jun to confess to minghao, that's even worse than yours."

seungcheol's eyes peeked over his friends, trying to find the boy chan was referring to. he wasn't there. well, since they were in the same class, he'll see him later either way.

the day then just went by with seungcheol observing jeonghan closely throughout the lessons.

a/n: (edited)

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