06: alone, again

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the poor boy tiredly flopped himself onto the couch, staring at the ceiling blankly with tears clouding his vision.

how dumb of me to start falling for seungcheol yet he doesn't even consider me as a friend. everyone is the same. they'll all drop me because of the sake of their reputation.

he bit his bottom lip, trying to hold in the tears that was filling his eyes. then why bother talking to me in the first place? if only i was careful enough to not spill that damn coffee.

he couldn't hold it in anymore. he felt so used and kept replaying the scene of what happened in his head multiple times, not being able to forget it. his cries were evident and loud, enough for people outside to hear as the corridor was dead quiet.

ding dong!

it's probably seungcheol again. why was he here? to talk about how he betrayed me? like what? 'oh i actually hate you and you're really annoying. i also hated the hangouts we had and hung out only because i felt bad.'

jeonghan's face was as pale as a ghost as his eyes were all red and puffy from the crying.

ding dong!

"jeonghan-ah! are you there? i ordered some food over to eat with you!" he heard a voice from the door. that voice. it's jisoo.

without any second thoughts, he immediately rushed to the door, opened it and without any warning, gave a tight hug to the younger. all he needed now was comfort, and jisoo did that the best.

jisoo was taken aback by the older's sudden action. he pulled away from the hug and saw his stained tears on his face and puffy eyes.

"jeonghan-ah what happened? why are you crying? which bastard do i have kill," jisoo frowned with worry.

"let's go inside first."


"that bitch i will kill him in my own hands!" jisoo cursed as his hands turned into fists. jeonghan had explained everything to jisoo.

"can i tell you something?" jeonghan muttered. saying yes, the younger nodded. "i think i like him. but he doesn't even see me as a friend at this point," he hunches back and sighed as his hands go through his hair messing it up.

jisoo pulled him into a hug again. "he don't deserve you. he'd better apologise," jisoo frowned.

the rest of night was full of jeonghan sobbing in jisoo's arms.

★ next day

the next few days in school wasn't so awkward for jeonghan as he caught a cold for walking in the rain that same day seungcheol said those nasty things, so he was absent.

seungcheol's friends was then known of what happened as he tried asking for advice. he truly feels terrible but doesn't know if jeonghan will even talk to him again.

"how dumb can you get even," hansol asked with eyebrows raised. "i don't even know why i said that i.." seungcheol sighed.

"shua told me he was crying badly last night so you'd better feel guilty," seokmin said plainly sipping on his juice.

"why don't you visit him after school? since he's absent today, he may be feeling unwell. you know, show some care or something and apologise? easy peasy!" seungkwan said as if it was the most obvious thing in the whole world.

seungcheol then thought, yeah, hopefully he even opens the door upon knowing it's me.


ding dong!

who's that this time? jeonghan was sitting at the dining table doing school work while sweating alot and a rising fever. he weakly stood up and walked over to the door mindlessly. his mind was in a haze due to the headache so he opened the door, not giving a second thought about whoever that was on the other side.

he swung the door open, seeing a familiar tall black-haired male with a thick denim jacket and a white shirt.

shit. the last person jeonghan wanted to see was him, seungcheol.

"hi jeonghan, you were absent today, i was wondering if you're okay.. you look really pale," he said as his eyes wanders around his face that was pale and slightly red.

"nope, im super fine. thanks for your sudden concern," jeonghan gave him a cold shoulder, expecting him to back away. he then ignored him and closed the door shut.

sigh. he's really hard to read. now he wants to be friends?

thanks for reading <3
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