04: crush, or not?

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ding dong! jeonghan slightly jumped at the sudden ringing of the doorbell. who is that at this eerie hour? eerie was an exaggeration, it was only seven in the evening, but who would want to find him at his apartment, right now?

he sighed and reluctantly got up from his couch, walking to the door to open it.

"who's there- oh seungcheol, it was you, hi. wasn't expecting you to be at my door," he chuckled as embarrassment crept up his cheeks. jeonghan was in his pyjamas with his hair in a mess. well, seungcheol could've let him know beforehand before unknowingly showing up at his door could he?

that didn't really make any sense because they were practically neighbours, and friends.

"hi," he paused for a while as he realised he might be crossing the line suddenly showing up at his door. "sorry, am i disturbing? i needed some help with my assignments so i came here wanting to ask you," he explained. he couldn't read jeonghan's expressions at all. was he irritated at him? or was he genuinely okay with his presence around him lately for these few days?

"oh, no problem at all, come in!" he gave him a genuine smile, welcoming him in. as much as jeonghan was annoyed by the fact that he looked like shit in front of seungcheol, he was secretly happy. ever since that coffee date(would you even call it a date? he doesn't know either.), he was yearning for his attention and company. no matter how stressful and troublesome school work can get, his little source of comfort could be seungcheol's presence himself. the things he do, was just an indescribable source of endorphins for him.

after loads of tireless explaining from jeonghan, seungcheol finally understood the assignment and thanked him, wanting to leave already as he still honestly did feel bad to disturb him out of nowhere.

"ohhh...okay, i got it now. thanks for help, i'll be going now, shouldn't be disturbing you out of nowhere," seungcheol thanked him and was apologetic towards the end. he then grabbed his books and walked to the door.

"uh, wait. have you eaten yet? i'm ordering some food over," jeonghan asked as he held his wrist gently, stopping the other from his tracks.

that contact. it made seungcheol's stomach flip millions of somersaults. "no, it's okay-" what cut him off what his stomach growling. he lowered head and flushed pink on his cheeks. what a great timing for my stomach growl.

"come on stay! let's order some nice food to eat!" jeonghan giggled at the older's cuteness. seungcheol mentally face palmed himself. that was a moment he just wanted the ground to open up and hide there away from the embarrassment.

after eating, both of them fell asleep together on the couch for the night, which jeonghan's head on seungcheol's lap.

★ next day

ever since they started talking and hanging out with each other more often, seungcheol's group of friends couldn't help but notice their interactions together.

"hyung, looks like you're really committed into the dare huh?" mingyu teased. seungcheol tries to hide his heated blushing cheeks. seungcheol tried to think of an answer but he couldn't think of one. why was he so 'committed' or was spending so much with jeonghan?

"oooh~ look at who's blushing because of his sweet little crush?" seokmin's contagious laugh filled the conversation. "NO what are you saying!? he's not my crush," seungcheol defended with a nervous and defensive loud 'no.' "it's just, a friend." he muttered.

"seriously hyung, we spent years with you, if not practically almost our whole lives. we'll definitely know if you're lying or not," mingyu reasoned while the others nodded unanimously.

"okay, maybe..i just a small crush on him," seungcheol confessed as he brushed his hair back with his hand, feeling stressed out about his own feelings. his mind was in a tangled mess that made him frustrated and confused all the time, that he couldn't do anything about it but just brush it off.

"see! i knew that this dare would end up like this!" seokmin cheered. "why don't you tell him about your feelings then?" chan questioned seriously.

"easier said than done chan. he probably doesn't feel the same. i mean he has another friend that he always hangs out with. what's his name?" he paused. "jisoo? or was he called joshua instead?" chan couldn't hold in his laughter as he bursting laughing in the midst of the serious conversation.

"yah! what's so funny?" seungcheol slapped his arm.

"you think jeonghan likes jisoo?" chan quirked his eyebrows and questioned if the older was really clueless.

"yeah..? i mean jisoo may also have a crush on jeonghan? they hang out all the time!" seungcheol said still confused.

on the other hand, poor seungcheol still doesn't understand why they were laughing. wasn't it obvious? he talks to jisoo all the time!

"never mind, let's save that for another time. just find a good time to confess to him! fighting hyung!" seokmin cheered.

a/n: did you know why the guys were laughing seungcheol's statement?? 🧐 hint: seokmin laughed at him + seungcheol doesn't know what the others know

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