05: betrayal

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it was early in the morning and students were all in the classrooms and hallways waiting the first 9am class bell.

"exams are gonna be over soon, so nayeon and her friends are throwing a class party! you're all going right? it's this friday, " jisoo asked wonwoo, jihoon and jeonghan. as everyone would say, nayeon and her gang were the popular girls in the class. she was born was a sliver spoon in her mouth, is pretty, but though her grades were the total opposite and the fact that she's mean, many guys still drool over her.

"yeah, my mingoo's there so of course im in," wonwoo replied with a huge smile on his face. "ew cringe," jihoon muttered under his breath and rolled his eyes.

jisoo then nudged sleepy jeonghan using his elbow to wake up him up, "wake up sleepyhead! so, are you going?"

"if y'all go, i'll just go, i guess," he replied sluggishly as he went back to sleep.

"okay so jihoon i don't care youre coming with us! we're gonna so much fun together! i'll pick you guys up!" jisoo cheered.

"you'll probably go hang out with your seokmin boyfriend and ditch us again," jihoon sighed as he face palmed himself.


jeonghan and seungcheol were walking out of class together. they would wait for each other after class everyday, so it was no surprise seeing them together. they were having a peaceful conversation walking in the hallways towards the stairs until someone from behind interrupted.

"aye, seungcheol! you'll going for the party right?" nayeon swung her arm around seungcheol's shoulder as she asked cockily, eyeing at jeonghan. it was pretty obvious that nayeon had a huge crush on seungcheol, everyone knew that. well, who wouldn't? he was popular and literally almost girls and guys would have a crush on her.

"ew, who's this bitch you're talking to here? is he your friend? oh my god," nayeon scoffed, feeling disgusted by jeonghan's presence as she rolled her eyes.

jeonghan felt terrible. how was suppose to react? stand up for himself? watch him get bullied till he graduate. ignore her and walk away? but wasn't he suppose to walk home with seungcheol? he couldn't say a word to defend himself as he just lowered his head embarrassed as each word of disgust that flowed out of nayeon's mouth hit him like knives stabbed in his chest. he couldn't bear to look at the two staring him, especially when nayeon is very obviously smirking at his own misery.

and seungcheol, standing stiffly and uncomfortably because he was practically being held by the neck with her arm didn't know what to do. he clearly knew what she was doing was wrong.

to jeonghan's  'surprise' or perhaps, shock, seungcheol's expression changed and replied, "hell no, he's not my friend. and for the party, of course i'll up for it!"

"why was he beside if you weren't friends?" she pouted with her arms folded, acting cute.

"he was just following me...annoying right?" seungcheol faced nayeon and said, slightly hesitantly. a smirk appeared on nayeon's face as she forcefully pulled and interlocked seungcheol's muscular arm closer to her and walked away.

rushed footsteps from behind seemed to be running to jeonghan. turns out it was one of nayeon's ex-friends, jeongyeon.

"oh my," she said looking at jeonghan's face which had tears on his cheeks. "did nayeon do this to you..? i was behind and kinda heard some parts of the conversation..on her behalf, im sorry. i'll take it out with her, she's taking things too far now. don't cry hm?" she patted his back as he sobbed silently. how can he betray me so easily like that? me? annoying? very good one choi seungcheol.

"it's okay, it's not your fault. thanks for being on my side." he thanked her and left.

on the other hand, seungcheol immediately regretted what he had said. how can he just straight up switch up and betray him like that? just to have a good image in front of others? how am i suppose to apologise to him? will he understand? at this rate, im not even gonna complete the dare. he was embarrassed of himself for even saying something like that to his crush.

thanks for reading <33
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