08: drunk boy

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"hey, you're seungcheol's neighbour right? can you bring him home later? we can't enter the building if we aren't residents there. please?" chan pleaded jeonghan who was on the same table as him, jisoo and seokmin.

jeonghan shook his head without a second thought getting his gaze away from the guy in front of him. chan then went to the extend of kneeling down. "please jeonghan-hyung?"

jeonghan just sipped his drink and ignored him.

seokmin nudged his boyfriend, trying to get help on convincing him. the three of them knew what was going on between the two and wanted to help them make up, knowing about their mutual feelings.

"come on just this once!" jisoo cutely whined that made seokmin laugh. "fine whatever." jeonghan sighed.

"of course you're jisoo's bestie." seokmin giggled.

"thank you so much hyung. and seungcheol told me about what he did. he really feels terrible and bad about it. i know he's being a total bitch, but just.. try hearing him out okay?" chan asked sincerely. jeonghan reluctantly nodded.

as he walked to seungcheol who was slumped onto the table, he heard murmurs from his mouth as if he was talking to himself. how drunk is he?

"come on let's go home" jeonghan pulled his arm over his shoulder and dragged him out. this guy is like half asleep and not even standing straight, giving jeonghan extra work to hold him.

"no! cheollie don't want to!" seungcheol replied with a pout. okay he is very drunk. he even spoke in third person.

as he tried resisting, jeonghan tripped and as unstable as he was already, seungcheol fell onto the ground that coincidentally was not smooth—rough. jeonghan yelped silently as he almost scrapped his knee and seungcheol was lying on the ground mumbling silently in pain, and drunkness. both his knees and his elbow were scrapped with blood seeping out of it. "ow.."

jeonghan sighs again. what have i got myself into?

jeonghan gently helps him up and frowns at the sight of seungcheol's cuts on his knees due to the fall. jeonghan then piggybacks him on his back and walked back home. (no drinking driving guys!!!!)

after what seemed like an eternity, they reached home.

"seungcheol what's your password to the door?" jeonghan asks with seungcheol and jeonghan's jacket on his back. he was shivering so he covered him with his own jacket.

"cheollie wanna go to hannies house~ me wanna spend time with hannie!" he excitedly mumbled into his back with his eyes closed and a visible smile. no matter how many times he asked for the password, he wouldn't say it. so he had no choice but to bring him home.

"you know i really like hannie? he's so soft and cute! but i did something wrong. cheollie thinks that hannie hates him now." he pouted as he puts his head down.

jeonghan tried to ignore him and his drunk thoughts and cleaned the small wound on his knee. "stay still im trying to clean your wound here."

"me wanna apologise and say sorry! and cheollie likes hannie a lot! one day i wanna hold his soft hands!" seungcheol squealed like an excited child.

jeonghan felt the same when he just met seungcheol. he was taken aback. he just confessed to me in his drunk state..?

"what if i say im hannie?" he looked over at him. how could he like him after saying all that in front of nayeon?

"then cheollie super sorry for the stupid things cheollie did he didn't mean..cheollie wants you to forgive him!" the drunk boy said with slight tears in his eyes. jeonghan felt soft and bad seeing how he actually felt sorry.

jeonghan then sensed he was kind of sober at that point he started sobbing. he then wraps his arms around him, welcoming him into his embrace, comforting him.

the night went by with seungcheol sleeping in jeonghan's room.

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