02: his first move

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was seungcheol really serious about this dare? this dare is just merely a small game that might embarrass seungcheol in front of others and maybe jeonghan himself.

well, you don't see people randomly start hanging out with someone you don't know, do you? exactly.

somehow, a part of seungcheol didn't want to disappoint his friends and looking at jeonghan, there's no way he'll like seungcheol either. they never talked before (except that one time he spilled that coffee). it'll be like, befriending someone, that's simple right?

what should i do to get his attention? or like how should i approach him? this was the thought that led seungcheol's brain go nuts. such a simple question yet he can't think of an answer.

suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"uh, excuse me?" a soft voice was heard from behind.

instinctively, he turned behind. speak of the devil. it was the boy. the one that spilled coffee on him. he made a short eye contact with him and observed his beautiful and distinct facial features.

"oh, y-yes? how can i help?" he awkwardly broke the silence that they were in.

"i think you remember me, uhm about yesterday, i didn't get to properly apologise for accidentally spilling the coffee on you, hope it didn't leave a permanent stain on your clothes." he paused, thinking of what to say.

"how about i get you a cup of coffee to make it up to you?" he thought quickly, not wanting to waste time and forced out an answer, slightly blushing in embarrassment because of the inconvenience he caused yesterday.

should i make a first move and get to know him better? seungcheol was not even focused on the other, drifting away in his own mind and thoughts.

"hey..? hello?" he waved his hands in front of him, trying to get his attention.

"o-oh uh, yeah i forgive you," he stammered. he was literally saying whatever came to his mind. he continued after he realised what the other said later. "yeah! a cup of coffee would be great." he smiled before he could even decline the offer. i can get to him closer this way. "oh and i'm seungcheol, what's your name by the way?" he questioned.

"my bad, forgot to introduce myself. i'm yoon jeonghan. and can we meet at 'carat cafe' after school? its within walking distance." carat cafe? i haven't been there before.

"sure, but can we meet at the gate first? i've never been there before." he asked, slightly embarrassed. his mind was distracted by jeonghan's dark brown eyes that was so mesmerising.

jeonghan smiled and nodded in agreement.

his eyes when he smiles is kind of cute.. fuck! what am i thinking! you don't even know him! seungcheol internally cursed at himself.


"seungcheol! here!" jeonghan waved his sweater paws in the air above the crowd, getting the other's attention.

seungcheol brisked walked towards the boy. "my teacher overran the timing again for 10 minutes. sorry to keep you waiting. let's go!"

a/n: phew hope this doesn't flops :,)

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