09: confession

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★ the next morning ...

seungcheol woke up and slowly squinted his eyes at the glaring orange sun rays from the window. once his eyes were fully open, he jolted up from his lying position, trying to register the situation upon looking at the unfamiliar ceiling. where am i? wait, this place looks familiar.. feeling slightly anxious and confused as he just woke up in someone else's—a freaking stranger's bed, he immediately jumped out of bed.

he then rushed to the door, ready to escape if he was actually kidnapped in someone else's home (you'll never know). however, because of his current hangover and slight fever, a wave of anemia hit him, making him not keep his balance and land on the floor with a hand on his head.

upon hearing the loud thud, jeonghan rushed to his room, the one that seungcheol was in. "seungcheol-ah! are you okay? did you fall?" in response, seungcheol shook his head, resulting pain in his head again. jeonghan bent down on his knees to help the sick boy up. his eyes wandered around his slumped body, looking if there was any wounds from the earlier fall. he then helped seungcheol up onto the bed.

"you should stay in bed. you drank too much yesterday and no surprise you have a bad hangover and fever. you shouldn't wear such thin clothes under this cold weather! and i cooked some porridge for you, you can eat it when you're hungry." jeonghan said, trying to avoid any possible eye contact with him once he realised he was still hurt by him.

after a moment, seungcheol understood whatever he said and it led him to remember whatever that happened last night.

"cheollie don't want to!"

what the heck was i thinking?! he then remembered whatever he said to jeonghan in his drunk state.

"cheollie likes hannie!"

did i...


shit why did i do that? "and u-uh..a-about yesterday-" he started with flushed cheeks but was soon cut off by jeonghan.

"i know. i forgive you. i was probably too selfish...to hear you out." jeonghan places his hands over the other, reassuring him.

seungcheol's eyes were filled with guilt and tears that went rolling down his cheeks. "n-no don't b-be. it's my fault to b-begin with. i s-shouldn't have said those t-things. i can swear my life on it i really..didn't mean what i said, please" without saying anything, jeonghan pulled seungcheol into a tight warm hug.

"it's okay. i'm okay, really." he patted his back. jeonghan forgave him. he trusted seungcheol that he really didn't mean it. and the fact is that, seungcheol was honest—he loved jeonghan too much to even mean a single word he said.

after his cries subsided, seungcheol mumbled as his ears slowly turned pink, "when i said i liked you yesterday, it's true. but if you don't feel the same way it's okay-"

jeonghan giggled as he mimicked drunk seungcheol, "what if i say hannie loves you too?" seungcheol's face turned bright pink as jeonghan unexpectedly kissed his forehead.

"so does that make us...boyfriends? " seungcheol shyly asked. jeonghan pinched his cheeks, "of course, cheollie~"

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