10: our happy ending

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seungcheol and jeonghan walked to school together with their hands interlocked together that aroused others attention. their classmates were surprised, not because of their sexuality but because many of them expected seungcheol to be with nayeon, knowing that she liked him a lot.

seungcheol and jeonghan were both at ease when walking around the school with their hands together as the school weren't against these relationships.

"hannie, during recess, should we meet our friends together and tell them about our relationship?" seungcheol asked. jeonghan nodded, signalling yes as a response.


jeonghan's friends all gathered together with seungcheol's friends.

"so basically, we wanted to say that both of us are dating now," seungcheol started. "ooo, hyunggg~" mingyu nudged the older's shoulder teasing him.

"since they announced it, it's time for us to say that jihoon is my boyfriend and we've been dating for about 8 months now," soonyoung said with a smile. jihoon blushed.

"yo! two couples now! now how about jun? are you together with minghao?" seungkwan excitedly turned to jun. ever since jun agreed to the bet, he hung out with minghao and he joined his friend group. "yeah, we wanted to tell you guys today too," minghao answered as he smiled at shy jun.

"wait doesn't this mean they completed their dares?" wonwoo asked. everyone turned to him. supposedly, only seungcheol's friends knew about it, but mingyu told wonwoo and his friends about it, wanting to help seungcheol.

"what dare?" jeonghan asked. he was the only clueless one including minghao. they then explained everything.

"well, i guess spilling the coffee on you was a great thing that ever happened. or chan wouldn't pick me as your target at all." jeonghan laughed.

from that day on, they all hung out together and were like biological brothers.

seungcheol and jeonghan also had their happy ending together.

• — THE END.

a/n: 'dare' has officially come to an end! pls vote and add to your reading lists! <3 hopefully this story was interesting and nice to read.

and if y'all were confused at the ships: junhao, jeongcheol, verkwan, soonhoon, meanie, seoksoo ! while the rests aren't in relationships yet ><

hope you enjoyed <33

this is 'dare' brought to you by ji.

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