07: cold shoulder

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"oh yeah, the party," jeonghan muttered to himself. given his mood, he didn't want to go, but since he already agreed with jisoo, it won't be that bad right? maybe he could take this time to relax and put his mind off from all the things that were happening recently.

as he was opening the door wanting to go out, he saw seungcheol doing the same. seungcheol was in a thin long sleeved striped shirt and jeans, with shades on.

"oh hey, are you heading for the party? do you want me to drive you there?" seungcheol said as he observed his outfit. the leather jacket looks good on him.

jeonghan wore glasses and had a black button up top and black jeans, but since he was just recovered him his cold, he decided to put a jacket on in case if the weather forecast lies to him.

how can he still act like that? does he actually feel no remorse?

"no need." he hastily shut his door and walked away, leaving seungcheol behind.


"im slowly regretting my choices agreeing to go on this stupid party," jeonghan scoffed as jihoon nodded his head in agreement. he almost forgot seungcheol was also there, if he remembered it earlier, he would've spun up an excuse that he was still sick.

"it won't be that bad!" jisoo chimed happily as he turned the steering wheel into a carpark. "if it's boring im leaving right away," jihoon rolled his eyes.

"soonyoung will be there," wonwoo smirked. jihoon doesn't reply but his blushing face says it all. him and his dying crush for someone with a personality totally opposite of his. jeonghan laughed.

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