|3|-'Family' Dinner

487 31 7

Zayn's POV

I took a deep breath and come out of my car. As I promised Lukas, I was there for the dinner with my 'family'. I walked toward gate and see Julia, the oldest maid, standing there waiting for me. She is working here since I was 2 years old.

"How are you son?" she asked as we hugged

"I am good. How are you doing?" I asked, pulling away

"I am also good. Zayn, I would love to chat with you but you should go inside now. Your parents and brother are waiting for you" she said, giving me a sympathetic smile

She is the only person alive except Danny who know what exactly happened that ruined everything. Our lives and our peace.

I nodded and went inside. They were sitting on dinning table, waiting for me. I made my way toward them. They acknowledged my presence when I walk past father, who was sitting on the head of table and sit down next to Lukas.

I look up and smiled at Lukas, ignoring my so called parents. I pull out my phone and start scrolling on my social media.

They hate mobile phones on dinning table so I decided I am gonna be on my phone for rest of the dinner.

"Are you aware that we are here?" father asked, he sounds pretty pissed off like always

"Ohh, I didn't notice you" I said without looking up from my phone

"Have you forgotten all your manners?" father asked

"What? How do you know? Shit! My secret is out!" I look up at them with puppy face and my bottom lip sticking out

Father is looking like he is going to explode from anger.

"Umm.. Shall we start?" Lukas said, trying to break the tension in room

Without another word, they start eating. I remove my shoes, of course not using my hands and sit on chair with my legs criss-cross. I knew it was gonna make father more angry. Instead of using fork and knife, I started eating with my hands. I could feel father glaring at me. My mood was already ruined by coming here then how could I let them enjoy their night.

"Brother!" Lukas whispered

I looked up from my phone and give him a questioning look.

"What are you doing?" he whispered, looking at me very disappointed

Yeah, that's the only thing I can do correctly. Disappoint everyone. I am sorry. I am really sorry but I can't do this Lukas. I can't act like we are a family because we are not. I can't behave like a good son when they never considered me one.

"I am eating my dinner" I replied and went back on my phone and food

"Enough!" father yelled, slamming his hand on table

I ignored and continue eating and scrolling in my phone

"Dad please relax" Lukas said

"Can't you behave like a human?" father yelled

"But father how can I behave like a human? Didn't you say that I am a monster?" I asked calmly, looking straight in his eyes

"There is no doubt that you are a monster but it wouldn't hurt you to behave like a human for you brother, would it?" father said

"ohh, Puh-lease, aren't you ashamed? Using your son like that. Actually I think you aren't. It's not first time after all" I taunted

"Zayn!" father yelled

"Oo my god! Don't shout at me like that. My soft heart can't take that" I said dramatically, acting like feminine

Did I mention before that I am gay? Actually me being gay is one of the reason why my relationship with my parents are bad.

"Stop your nonsense before I throw you out" father said

"Don't be so hard on me. After all I am your son and just like you... completely straight" I said and blow a flying kiss

I swear I saw him shivering from that flying kiss.

"Enough! get out!" father yelled

"Really? Oo my god! My father is throwing me out! I am so sad!" I yelled dramatically, putting on hand on my chest and other wiping my invisible tears

"Brother!" Lukas called, looking very displeased

"Lukas, I came here as promised. Now your dad is throwing me out" I said, faking sadness and still acting like feminine gay because father hate that.

I am not feminine gay. I kinda like them but my father... He can handle a gay being in the same room as him but he can't stand a feminine gay.

He is a bastard.

I got up and walked out but I made sure to swing my hips left and right because I know father was watching. Mother didn't say anything or even look at me today as always. I don't even exist for her.
Once when I was in my car, I noticed that I forgot my shoes. Well that doesn't matter. I have many others.
Now I am not in the mood to go back to my house. I don't like going back to that empty house because there is no one waiting for me. I can hang out with my friends. I wanted to hang out with Emma but she is out of the country for business reasons. Lukas is probably pissed off. I will try to ask for his forgiveness later. Danny is at his parents house. Umm.. Should I call Cyrus?

I pull out my phone and dialed his number.

"Hello?" a female voice answer the call

It's his mom. Damn it! He will be in trouble now.

"Who is there?" auntie asked

Huh? Didn't he save my number?

I quickly cut the call and sighed. I put my phone on passenger seat and before I can start my car, my phone started ringing. I looked up at the caller ID. It's Cyrus.

"Hello?" I said

"Why did you call?" he asked

"Can we meet?" I asked

"Why?" he asked

"I want to discuss something important with you" I said

"What do you want to talk about? It's not like we are business partners or friends" he said

"It's really important" I lied

"Fine" he sighed

"In half an hour at the xx club" I said

"Isn't that a gay club?" he asked, unsure himself

"No, my assistant goes there pretty often. He said that was good" I replied

Yeah, that's true. Danny mentioned that club many times before.

"Fine. I am hanging up then" he said and hung up the call

I put my phone aside and started the car.


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