|22|- brat

234 17 7

Zayn's POV
"No!" I whined, scrunching up nose in disgust

"You have to eat it" Cyrus said as he extends the spoon toward me and I quickly turn my face to other side

I am not gonna eat that shit!!

"I don't want to!" I said

"Stop throwing a tantrum and eat this" he said, glaring at me

"No! I won't!" I said, glaring back

"Zayn, I swear! I am this close to losing my patience" he said, joining his index finger and thumb together.

"I. Won't" I said,

"Zayn!" he yelled

"Cyrus!" I yelled back

We continued our little staring contest and Danny decided to step up. Huh, do whatever you can do. I won't eat it. It tastes like a dog pissed in it. And don't ask me how I know dog's piss taste. What I mean is that it tastes horrible.

So it's been a week since I woke up from coma. Cyrus has been taking care of me. He even fed me with his own hands!!! Aaaahhhhh!!! Sorry, that was just gay inside me urged to scream like that. And now for a week, I have been eating this shitty food. I am happy to starve. I don't want to eat this soup.

Danny bend over and whispered something in Cyrus's ear. Cyrus looked at him with wide eyes.

"I-" Cyrus was saying but got cut off by Danny

"It will work" Danny said as he went out

"What did he say?" I asked curiously

"Nothing, here sweetheart. Eat" he said, stretching his hand toward me which was holding the spoon.


I opened my mouth and ate silently. Did I hear wrong or did he really call me sweetheart? He really called me sweetheart!! I didn't hear it wrong. What the hell?! Why would he call me sweetheart? Did he call me that in friendly way or maybe he started liking me. I mean, he is bisexual so I have a chance. After the accident, he has been taking care of me. He still yells all the time but that's just part of his nature. Is he flirting now by calling me sweetheart?

"Finally finished!" I snap out of my thoughts when he yelled

"Huh? What finished?" I asked in confusion

He grinned and showed me the empty soup bowl. Huh?!? Did I eat this?

"Daniel was right. Calling you sweetheart would do the work" Cyrus smirked and my smile vanished

Yeah, of course. What the hell have you have been thinking? Stupid.

"What's wrong?" he asked

"Huh? Nothing is wrong" I said, still looking at him blankly

I don't have the energy to put up a fake smile right now. And I didn't like how he called me sweetheart just to feed me that horrible soup.

"Is it because of the soup?" he asked and I didn't reply

"You know it's the first time you are showing your spoiled brat side" he smirked

I suddenly felt self-conscious. What the hell was I doing? I don't want to scare him away. I am not supposed to behave like this. He will hate it. I gave him a fake smile and roll my eyes

"I don't have any spoiled brat side. I actually enjoyed being fed by you" I said, flirting

"Zayn, I like every side of you. Don't try to hide it from now on. I know my behavior and words both have been hurtful for the last few years. And I am sorry. I was scared. It would never happen again" he said, looking straight in my eyes

"Okay" I whispered

His words touched my heart. I know he is not gonna treat me like before. I am really happy even though I don't deserve his kindness. I deserve his hatred only but I am sorry. I am selfish. I am sorry.

"So..... " he trailed off, getting up

"Are you going to leave now?" I asked

"Yes, I have work" he said

I nodded flashing a fake smile. I don't want him to leave me yet but he has to work. He has already skipped many days for me.

"I will be back tomorrow. The doctor said you will be discharged tomorrow" he said

"Really?" I almost shouted in happiness. I am sick of hospital. I just want to go home.

"Yeah" he said

I looked up at him when he suddenly put his hand on top of my head and started brushing my hair slightly. He was looking at me with a deep frown and worry in his eyes

"Take care of yourself bastard" he said softly

"O-okay" my heart is beating so fast. It's gonna pop out

"Go get a room" my head snapped toward Mikey who was standing at the door

"We are in the room. You disturbed us" I pouted

"shut up bastard! We weren't doing anything that we needed room for" he yelled and smacked my shoulder

"Ouch! you hit me a lot" I said, frowning my eyebrows together

"Then what do you expect?!"

"Spanking" I mumbled under my breath



"Y-you... I heard you!" he yelled, blushing

"Then are you up for it?" I asked innocently

"go die Bitch" he said and I laughed as he hurriedly walked out of room, blushing

"You have nice taste in men" Mikey said

"Yeah but he is off limit" I said, smiling slightly and still looking at the door from where he left

"when did you start caring about your parents opinion?" Mikey asked as he came and sat down beside me

He doesn't know why but he knows that I hate my parents. I told him because I trust him. He is more mature than other kids his age. Trauma does that to you. His father died when he was 3 and his mother used to starve and abuse him. I understand how it feels to get through all the shit alone. I hope he didn't have to go through that.

"I don't give a flying fuck about what my parents think. And we are just friends. He doesn't like me in that way" I said

"duh, He obviously likes you" he said

"By the way, what are you doing here? Don't you have school Today?" I asked changing topic

"it's Saturday" he said

"Ohh sorry. I forgot" I said

"Why don't you propose him?" he asked

"What? No!" I almost yelled. I didn't expect him to ask something like that

"Why not?" he asked in confusion

"You wouldn't understand" I sighed softly

We aren't meant to be together. He would never love someone like me. And even if he fell in love with me, his family wouldn't agree and he would never go against his parents. So loving me will only hurt him and he has been hurt enough. Sometimes I wish he will love me like I do but it's better if he never fall in love with me because I don't want him to be hurt.

The fact is pretty fucked up but love hurts. It kills you from inside and keeps you alive at the same time.


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