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It's been five weeks since that accident happened and three weeks since Zayn got discharged. Their Christmas and New Year was nothing special because Zayn was not in any condition to celebrate and everyone else didn't feel like celebrating. Zayn was recovering slowly. Slower than doctors expected. But at least he was getting better. Since the day Zayn discharged he had been looking for Charlie who is missing according to the police. Zayn has connections with many powerful people. He hired a team of underground illegal people to find Charlie. He knows that it is the wrong way to do it but he doesn't care because it's about Cyrus's safety. He can't take risks. 3 weeks and they still couldn't find Charlie.

Zayn was sitting in his home office, looking up at his profits and losses of his restaurants and company. So much work was pending of last weeks. Restaurants wasn't affected but Company had lost 2 projects which caused huge loss. Whole day went by working and Zayn forgot to eat again even after doctor told him to eat properly for a better recovery. He was tired and just wanted to go to sleep. Around 11 pm, his phone rang. He sighed tiredly, put the file away and looked over at his phone. Upon seeing the caller ID, Zayn quickly pick up the call.

"Found him?" he asked

"Yes, at the place we decided. Come now" The man said

"Coming" Zayn said and hung up the

Zayn gets up and moves his neck in circular motion to ease the stiffness. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before opening them again.

It's okay. No need to be anxious.

Zayn grabs his keys, wallet and phone and left. He drives to the location they decided earlier. Main base of the gang. It was risky. Really risky. But Zayn couldn't care less if it's about Cyrus's safety.
The base was an hour away from his house. Whole drive Zayn couldn't stop thinking about how Cyrus will react after knowing that he worked with a gang and found Charlie using illegal ways. Upon reaching the base, he parked the car outside. The guards ask for the code they decided.

"What do you want?"

"Pineapple cake" Zayn answered. It is a code word

Guards opened the door and let him in. Zayn was nervous and anxious but he put up his confidence, fearless face and walked inside. A guy named Marco meets him at the door and lead him to the basement.
Basement has many cells. Charlie's cell was a little far. They stop outside Charlie's cell where stands the E.J. the gang leader. His expression is cold as always.

"Hey E.J" Zayn smiled at his middle school friend

E.J gave his gang members a look and they left immediately. After they left, E.J turned toward Zayn again. He smiled widely at Zayn and opened his arms for a hug. Zayn chuckled, but step forward and wrapped his arms around his old best friend.

"Hey rockstar. How is your head now?" he asked as they pull away

"It's fine now. How is your shoulder?" Zayn asked

"hurts like Bitch. No matter how many times you get shot. You can never get used to gun shots" E.J chuckle

"And what about rose? Still dating you or ran away" Zayn asked jokingly

"she was just a hook up. By the way, here is the man you wanted me to find. Charlie Martinez" E.J said looking at his left.

Zayn looks over at Charlie who was lying unconscious in the cold cell with his hands and feet cuffed. The anxious feeling he had before disappeared. Zayn's eyes turn cold at the sight of Charlie. He never really hated anyone except his grandfather but now he hates Charlie with the same passion.

"I don't understand Zayn. No matter what the situation is you never use illegal ways. Why this time?" E.J asked, concerned why his friend who has the heart of gold will ask him to kidnap a person

"No one should mess with the person I love" Zayn said, his eyes still on Charlie

E.J step ahead and open the cell for Zayn. Zayn entered first and E.J trailed behind. Zayn could only feel disgusted and hatred when he looked down at Charlie. Zayn looks at the bucket filled with water at a distance and goes ahead to grab it. Zayn picks up the bucket and empties it on Charlie. As the chilled water come in contact with his skin, he startled up. He looked at his left and right before looking up at Zayn. Charlie smiled as he realized it's Zayn who bribed those goons to kidnap him. That smile just angered Zayn more.

"I knew you are just like me. You can do anything to have what you want" Charlie chuckled as he struggles to sit up

Zayn just gave him a blank look and swing his leg with full force at Charlie. The kick was so hard that his shoe came in contact with Charlie's face, his two teeth fell out.

"Woah, teach me that kick rockstar" E.J said, impressed

Zayn grab a chair and sit down, man spreading. Zayn leans back and looked down on Charlie before returning his eyes back to ceiling.

"You hurt him" Zayn said, his expressions still blank as white canvas

"I didn't hurt him. I love him and I will do anything to make him mine. I am not a coward like you. You also love him but you can't even say that. You are a bloody coward. I am not afraid of you. You can't hurt me" Charlie smirked

Zayn didn't say anything for a moment and continued to look at the ceiling. Zayn's strange behavior kinda scared E.J. The last time he saw Zayn like this, things didn't go well.

"I was 15 years old when I killed my grandfather with my own hands" Zayn give Charlie a side glance "Then who told you I will leave you" Zayn's eyes looked so blank. It kinda scared E.J that his friend will lose control again like he did 11 years ago

"I think you should calm down Zayn. For Cyrus. Please" E.J said

A chuckle escaped Zayn's lips. Zayn is sure he won't ever get his hands dirty again. He finds it funny how E.J. The mafia boss is scared of his anger. Zayn has so much pain and hatred inside him but his brother's expectations, Emma and Danny's trust and Cyrus's love is holding it back. Zayn knows that the day he will loss them, he will fall into the darkness that he has been trying so hard to stay away. He is always joking and laughing around, having a smile on his face. Keeping all emotions at bay except love and happiness because he knows the day he will lose control, he will destroy everything. E.J is aware of that too. Because E.J was with him the day he killed his grandfather without even battling his eyelashes. The pain, fire and darkness inside his eyes that day E.J saw, he had never seen till the day in anyone else.

"Don't worry. I won't kill him. He has to suffer a lot before that" Zayn said as he got up from the chair and walk over to the table at the center of room which has all kind of torture tool and gloves.

"It's going to be fun" Zayn smiled at Charlie who shivered at his tone and smile

It sure was going to be a long night.


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