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Cyrus's POV
"You tried to k-kill yourself?" my voice shake when I said that sentence

"Yes, I am a weak man. You gave me strength" he said, caressing my cheek

"How? I said bad things, I was rude, I was cruel to you, I made you insecure about your face and body. How did I give you strength? If anything, my words and actions would have just made you want to die more" tears fill my eyes making my vision blurry

"Hey, don't cry. Have I ever lied to you?" he said softly and wiped the tears that spilled out with his thumb

"No except when you said you don't love me in that way" I said, sniffling and my lips tremble

"When I saw you in that ballroom, there was a weird sensation in my chest. It wasn't love at first sight but I knew I was going to love you" he said

"You have loved me for that long? Wasn't it painful knowing I hate you? wasn't it painful waiting for that long? It was just a few weeks and I couldn't wait, I was impatient, scared and insecure. How did you survive this all alone? How did you bury every pain in your heart and didn't even complain once" I said in low voice, tears keep rolling down and won't stop

"Hmm, it was painful but it was peaceful too and I always chose peace over happiness. It's bitter, but love brings unbearable pain. My love was strong enough to give me strength" he said smiling softly, he closed his eyes and he rests his head on the bars

"I am selfish. I seeked your presence to survive. I stick around even when you pushed me away a hundred times because I knew you wouldn't care if I walk away but I would die. I got the reason to live after so many years and I cling to it with my dear life. I am a monster but when I am with you, I feel like I am a human. I feel like I deserve to be happy and loved too. Thank you, for saving me from myself. Thank you, Cyrus" he said, with his still eyes closed and a sweet smile on his face, he looked so peaceful

I was impatient to hear I love you but I don't care anymore if he says that or not. Because I love you sounds so small in front of the words he said. Even though he never said those three words, he makes sure I knew he loves me, by his actions, by his words, by the way he looks at me, the way he always makes me feel. I must have done some serious good things to have him in my life.

"Marry me, Zayn" I blurted out without thinking

"What?!  His eyes shot open and he looked up at me, his ears turn into the shade of red

"S-sorry. It just slipped out of my tongue" I apologized

Shit! Shit! Shit! Stupid Cyrus! Why did you say that?!

"Do you want to marry me?" he asked, looking at me with disbelief

"Umm... Yes" I replied hesitantly, will it ruin the relationship we have built so far

He didn't say anything, he just keep staring at me in disbelief and shock

"Ohh" that's all he said after staring at me for 5 minutes

"ohh" I said, not knowing what else to say

It's awkward!!

"Did you called Danny?" he asked

"Yes, yes he is coming" I replied quickly

We just stand there in awkward silence until Daniel comes with lawyers. The procedure didn't take too long before he was out of jail. When we left the police station, the media was crowded outside. They keep blocking our way and asking questions. Zayn smiled and waved at cameras like he isn't coming out of jail.

Stupid. Idiot.

Daniel was driving and we both sat on the backseat.

I was quietly staring out of the window as the sky turns darker and thinking about our previous conversation. He said he tried to kill himself, but why? Now that I think of it, I don't know much about him. I don't even know basic things like his favorite color, his favorite movie or song or anything he likes. I suppose we still have a lot of work to do in this relationship.

I turn my face toward him to ask his favorite things but found him sleeping. His head was resting against the window and he was breathing softly.

"Don't wake him up. He doesn't get enough sleep at night" Daniel whispered, looking at me from the rear mirror

"Oh okay" I whispered back

I angled my body toward him and silently stared at him. I know it is creepy to watch someone sleep but he is so handsome. How can I resist?

The car stopped after few minutes, waking me up, I didn't realize when I fell asleep, staring at him. I stretched my arms and yawned. I rubbed my eyes and then looked outside and frowned.

"Wasn't you going to drop me first?" I asked looking at Zayn's house

"Boss said you are gonna stay the night" he whispered back

I nodded. I turned toward Zayn again and started shaking him.

"Wake up bastard. How long are you gonna sleep for?" I smacked his head

"Ouch! You are so violent" he mumbled, rubbing his head

He yawned and stretched his arms before looking at me and said

"Good morning" his voice sounds husky

What's up with his voice?! It's already sexy enough, is he trying to kill me?! I quickly got off the car blushing furiously and took a few deep breaths to calm down my nerves before he came out too.

"Let's go inside" he said and go ahead

I followed him quickly. He unlocked the door and held it open for me. I went inside and he came in too, closing the door behind himself.

"What do you want for dinner?" he asked, removing his suit

"Are you going to cook?" I asked as he made his way toward the kitchen

"Yes, tonight I am going to cook my special Italian pasta for you sir. How about you come and assist me?" he asked dramatically bowing and holding out his hand

"Sure" I said but instead of grabbing his hand, I went in the kitchen

It would be fun to cook together.


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