|5|-Long Drive

404 27 8

Cyrus's POV
I don't know why I even came? I already knew that he was lying. But it wasn't that bad. After all I was bored at home.
Why is he so quiet? I have been driving for 5 minutes and he hasn't said a single word. He is staring outside the window silently. He told me he had a shitty day. Was it that bad? I have never seen him sitting this quietly except at parties. He doesn't like to socialize. He is a weird creature. When he is with me or his family, he is the weirdest, loud, chill and funny person I know but in front any other people, he is kinda introverted and closed off. I think I am also weird because only when I am with him, I get teased and irritated easily. I also blush around him, which I never did in front of others.

"Why are you so quiet?" I asked

He didn't reply. I gave him a quick glance. He seems to be lost in thought.

"Hey! Zayn!" I said it a little louder

"Huh?" his head snapped toward me

"What happened? Why are you so quiet? I asked

"Nothing" he said and goes quiet again

"You said you had a bad day? Something at work?" I asked

"Why do you sound so concerned?" he asked, teasingly

Here, this bastard being a bastard again.

"Nothing like that. I just want to be happy hearing what upset you" I said with a tight smile

"Family dinner" he emphasizes family

"Aren't they fun?" I asked

"Not for everyone" he replied

"Hmm, I read it in the news that you are not close with your parents" I said

"Not close?" he chuckled "I fucking hate them" he laughed

"Do you really hate your own parents?! I mean who hates their parents?" I asked, I was kinda shocked. I thought those were just rumors.

"I do" he said and I chuckled

Again he is silent. Usually he talks a lot when he is with me or just hummed the same song which I never heard of. Today, he looks sad. So this kind of situation is new.

"Umm, let's grab dinner" I suggested

"You are acting weird" he said

"Huh? What?" I asked, am I?

"You are being nice to me" he said

He is right. I am being nice to him. That's so unlike me. He is always fucking nice so sometimes I forget he is my enemy, not friend. I should be an asshole to him.

"Nothing like that! I am hungry that's why I said that! Now only I will eat, you can die by starvation" I yelled

"let's go home. We will order something. That club drainer all my strength to be in a crowd" he sighed

"Clubs are fun" I said

"Yeah, because you are a social butterfly" he said

There is something I wanted to ask him. I am not sure why I want to know or if I should ask or not but my mind keeps thinking about that. I should just ask.

"Umm... By the way, what kind of guys do you like? I meant... You know? umm... Weakness?" I asked, hesitantly

"Why do you want to know? Ohh, I get it. Do you want to know if you have a chance or not?" he teased me again with that stupid big grin on his face.

"It's not like that! Okay? I am just curious!!" I yelled and he chuckled

What the hell is his problem? Can't he just answer already?

"I like man with black hair" he said

I am blonde....

"And glasses look so hot" he said

I don't wear glasses....

"He must be from a middle class or poor family. Most rich people are all egoistic, dominant, pushy and like to show off. I want a simple man" he said

"I am from a rich family but I am not egoistic, dominant, pushy and I don't like to show off" I said out loud accidentally

Shit! Shit! Shit!

"Are you done comparing yourself to my type now?" he asked, looking annoyed

Okay, that's something new. He is always happy, calm or sarcastic. I have never seen him irritated, annoyed or angry.

"Yea- I mean no! Of course not! Why would I do that?" I asked

What the hell is wrong with me?! Why was I comparing myself to his ideal type of man?

"Don't worry, I lied. I actually don't have any type. If he is honest, caring, loyal and loves me after knowing my dark secrets, that's all I want" he said

Stupid jerk! What was he thinking when he first lied?!

Wait- dark secrets?

"What dark secrets?" I asked

He suddenly became serious. His face is emotionless and his eyes also looks kinda... Blank?

"That I have bodies in my basement" he said with face still emotionless

"W-what?" I asked

Is he serious?

"It isn't something you should joke about" I laughed, nervously

What the hell?! Why am I nervous?

And suddenly he started laughing.

Fuck! of course he was joking! What the hell was I thinking?

"O my God! You really thought that was true" he said, still giggling

My face turned red in embarrassment.

"Whatever" I mumble

"You are so cute" he said, he was still laughing as he pinched my cheek

"Hey!" I slapped his hand away

I glance at him and my heart starts beating faster. His laugh...

Just wow... He is looking so.... Handsome in moonlight and his laugh is just adding more to his handsomeness

Wait- no no no, stop thinking bullshit.

"We are here " I stopped the car in front of his house.

"Let's go inside. I am hungry" he said while undoing his seatbelt.

"I am not coming. I forgot my sister is coming" I said

What the hell was I thinking when I said let's eat together? I shouldn't. I always have these weird feelings around him. I don't want them to increase. He is an enemy. The only feeling I should have for him hatred.

"You don't have to lie. See you later" he smiled and waved at me

How does he always know when I am lying? I nodded and drive off.

When I saw through the rear mirror. He was still standing there. He was looking down at his feet and he looked kinda sad....
Seeing him sad gave me a weird feeling in my heart. I... hate this feeling. It's weird.


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