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Zayn's POV
I groaned as I cover my eyes with the back of my hand. Why curtains are open?


I jolted up in my bed hearing a clash. I blinked few times to adjust my vision. My first thought was: Where the hell I am? Then I remembered that I am at my other house. Then I was like :Wait- what I am doing here? Ohh, I was with Emma, Daniel and Cyrus. But I couldn't remember anything after dinner. My head hurts. I rubbed my temple as the sound down stairs increase. What the hell are they doing?!

I throw the blanket off me and made my way downstairs. Another clash came from kitchen. My only thought was, "Please don't tell me it's Emma. Last time she tried to cook, she burned my kitchen." I stopped at the doorway of kitchen. I leaned against the door frame as I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. Cyrus was sitting on floor with flour and ketchup all over him. Aww, he looks so cute. He startled when he looks up at me.


"I what?" I chuckled

"Don't laugh at me!" he yelled

"Sorry" I said as I start laughing

"You are so annoying" he yelled

"Thanks for the compliment" I chuckled again

Then I noticed where his eyes were staring. I looked down and realized that I wasn't wearing shirt. I felt self conscious as he continue staring. It was so uncomfortable. I know I am ugly just stop staring already.

"umm... You should go take a shower" I said

"Huh?" he finally looked up in my eyes

"Go take a shower" I said

"I don't want to. You don't have bathtubs" he whined

He is adorable!

"Sorry but you are all sticky. Go take shower" I said as I help him stand up.

He huffed as he pushed me aside and left, stomping his feet. He is childish and innocent like a kid. Whenever I look at him, I feel like I want protect him forever. I never want to see him sad. I will never let anyone hurt him again.
Still thinking about him, I grab the mop and start cleaning. After cleaning, I made breakfast. Breakfast was almost ready when he come back in kitchen.

"Where is Danny and Emma?" I asked

"They were gone when I wake up" he said

I nodded as I set the table just for him. I wasn't planning to eat. I couldn't.
By the way, today is Sunday, so maybe we can hang out together. Will he say yes?

"You eat breakfast while go and shower. Then let's do something fun since it's Sunday" I said

Please say yes. Please say yes.

"okay but aren't you gonna eat?" he asked

"Umm... No" I said

"Bullshit! If you wanna hang out, shut up and eat now" he said, glaring at me

Does he.... Care? I blushed at the thought

"Why the hell are you turning red?! Just eat the the goddamn breakfast" he yelled, blushing hard

Is it progress?

I cleared my throat as I pick up the plate and put some of pancakes that I made for Emma and Daniel thinking they were still here. I hesitated but ate a whole pancake. I was happy thinking Daniel will be happy when I will tell him this.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked

"First tell me do you remember what happened last time?" he asked hesitantly, looking nervous

"Umm... No. The last thing I remember is Daniel saying : let's party. When we cheers on our first drink of the night" I said

"ohh" he sighed in relief

"What happened last time?" I asked, confused why he is so relieved that I don't remember

"I don't remember either" he said

I was sure he was lying but I dropped the topic there because there was no point in asking. He wouldn't tell even if I ask hundred times.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked

"I don't know. Whatever you like" he said

"Since it's our first hang out as friends, let's go to arcade?" I asked

"Nah" he said

"Then what?" I asked

"Let's just watch movies at home" he said

"Ahh, just what I needed" I said as turn my heels and run inside kitchen to make popcorn

"What are you doing?" he asked

"I will bring popcorn and cold drinks. Select the movie before I come back" I yelled back

It's the best thing to do really. Just sit down on couch and watch some movies with popcorn and cold drink. After I was done, I went back inside with popcorn and cold drinks. I sat down beside him and put down our snacks at table.

"So have you decided yet?" I asked, looking over TV, seeing him still scrolling through Netflix

"No" he replied

"Let's watch raw. I wanted to watch it but not alone. You are here now so let's watch it together" I said

"Okay let's watch it" he said and put on the movie

I don't remember at what point but we both fell asleep while movie still playing in the background. His legs were over my lap and head on my shoulder. And my head on top of his head.

Our relationship was progressing. I was loving this progress. But we all know happiness is not permanent.


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