|31| Jail

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Cyrus's POV
He was driving, soft music was playing, I don't know when I fell asleep. I woke up by someone shaking me, I looked up at him with sleepy eyes

"We are here" he said softly

"Huh?" I looked outside and then at him again

"Surprised?" he asked nervously scratching the back of his neck

"A carnival?"

"Yes, a carnival"

Carnivals are amazing. We had so much fun there. Zayn was more excited than me. He was looking like a kid who had never been to a carnival before. Well, I got to know later it was really his first time at a carnival. We played so many games, he lost all of them and I won so many prizes. He was grumpy because he lost in all games but he got happy when I gave all the prizes I won to him. He was grinning like a kid. He keeps dragging me to all rides. He loves rollercoaster. Today, I saw his new side. I have never seen him as happy as I did today. Today was really magical. Everything was going really great until he went to buy us ice cream and I didn't go with him because I wanted to play a dart game again.

I was playing when 2 guys came and stood on either side of me. One of them brushed his hand over my ass. I turned around and looked at him.

"What do you think you are doing?" I glared at him

"I thought you would like that, foggat" he said with venom in his voice and a sick smile on his face

"I didn't but you surely enjoyed touching a guy's ass, foggat" I said

In a swift motion he grabbed me by my collar and swing his fist at me. I closed my eyes and waited for the punch but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the guy, who was staring at something on my right. I moved my graze and saw Zayn who is holding his fist and looking at him dead in his eyes.

"How dare you?" Zayn said in quiet but dominant voice

He grabbed the guys hand which was holding my collar and pushed him away. He gets angry very rarely and now he looks so hot!!

He removed his suit and handed it to me, then opened his cuff buttons and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows while glaring at the guy. Is he preparing to fight or seducing me?

He stepped forward and grabbed the guy's collar with both of his hands and lifted him off the ground. Woah! I didn't know he was that strong.

"Apologize" Zayn said


"Fast and loud!" he yelled, dominance and authority screaming from his tone and poster

"S-sorry" he said, he was trembling in fear

Before Zayn can put the guy down, the police came. What?! Who called the police? The officers grabbed Zayn and pulled the guy away from him.

"Hey! Leave Zayn. He didn't do anything wrong!" I yelled

"We saw that from our own eyes. Handcuff him" the officer said

"No matter what I say now, you won't listen so let me just do it" Zayn said and took a step back

His body moved in a swift circle and swinged his leg at the guy who touched me with full force. His kick hit the guy on his jaw and he fell unconscious. While we all stand there with our mouth open in shock. Even officers were surprised.

The officers were ready to tackle him but he held out his hands for cuffs.

"Let's goooooooo" he sang

"Are you crazy?" I scolded him

"In your love" he mumbles under his breath but fortunately I heard it

The officer was taking him but I grabbed his upper arm and pulled him. Wow, his biceps are big. No! Don't get distracted now.

"What did you just say?" I asked

"What?" he acted innocently

"Don't you dare play dumb! Repeat what you said" I warned

"Yes, I am crazy" he replied

"You said something else" I said

"Nope" he said, still acting innocent

"Zayn" I whined

"Cyrus" he mock whined

"If your drama is done let's go" the officer harshly pulled him with them

They sat in police car but didn't let me come with Zayn.

"It's okay Cyrus. It's alright. I am okay. Here are the keys, come in my car. Call Daniel and inform him about the situation" he smiled softly and handed out the keys

I sighed with frown and took the keys from his hand. They drove away while I stayed there. Why does something bad happen whenever we are happy together?

I sighed and sat in his car and drove to police station. I called Daniel and explained the situation to him on the way. He said he will be there soon with the lawyers.


"Do you know who we are and what we can do?" I tried to scare the officer

"if you don't behave yourself, I am going to put you in the cell too. It's your last warning" he looks pretty scary, I should just shut up now Daniel is coming with lawyer anyways

I go to his cell and grab his hands through the bars.

"Don't worry. Daniel will be here soon" I said

"I am relaxed and I think you should relax too" he gave me a soft smile

"I am sorry" I said, looking down I put my head on bars

It's my fault he is in jail. He has to suffer because of me. The media is outside, his reputation will be ruined.

"Why are you saying sorry baby? There is nothing to be sorry for" he whispered, his forehead against mine

"You are in jail and the media is outside. Your reputation will be ruined because of me. Everytime we go on dates, something bad happens because of me. Maybe I am unlucky for you" I mumbled

"You saved my life. How can you say that you are unlucky for me, huh?" he chuckled

"Saved your life? How? When?" I pulled away a little and looked up in his eyes

It's him who always saves me. All I did was bring him trouble and hurt him. He almost died because of me. I just bring bad luck to him.

"before I met you, I was suicidal. I tried to kill myself twice before" he said in low voice, cupping my cheeks in his hands

"You tried to k-kill yourself?" my voice shake when I said that sentence

"Yes, I am a weak man. You gave me strength" he said, caressing my cheek with his thumb



Is he going to confess? ~\(≧▽≦)/~
In jail? (~_^)

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