|13|-Best friends

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Cyrus's POV
It was the end of November, I was working on my laptop when my phone rang. I was expecting Zayn but it was my sister. I excitedly picked up the call.

"Hey sis" I said

"Hey pumpkin" she yelled and I quickly pulled the phone away from my ear

She is going to tear my ear drums one day!

"I am back from India. I am at the airport" she said

"What?! Why didn't you tell me that before? I am coming to pick you up" I said, getting up

"No, you don't have to" she said and I slowly sit down back

"What do you mean by I don't have to come?" I asked, confused because it's me who always comes to pick her up after her business trips

"I told my bestie to come. He is here. We are just leaving" she said and I frowned

"Fine. Do whatever" I said grumpily

She is always with her best friend. My best friend this! My best friend that! Always praising him. Fine, she can go hang out with him. It's not like I give a fuck.

"Don't be mad. Come to my besties house tonight. I will introduce you two and we will have dinner together" she said

Not a bad opportunity. Whenever I ask her about who is her best friend, she never tells me. Now she is finally gonna introduce us, I am not leaving this opportunity. I want to know this man who my sister never stops blabbering about.

"Fine text me his address" I said

"Will do, later. I am busy now" she said and hung up

Yeah, yeah, very busy.

I sighed and put my phone aside. Now let's focus on working again. I continue to work and lose track of time. Around 6:30, My phone buzzed. I was expecting Zayn again because he hasn't messaged or called me since 3 weeks. I was really getting impatient. When will he contact me?!

I checked my phone and saw Emma's message.

Come in half an hour. Don't be late

The address was attached with message. I stretched my arms a little before grabbing my stuff and leaving the office.

I am gonna give that bastard a good lesson. Emma ditched me countless times for him. They have been best friends for more than 4 years and Emma never tells me anything about him that will reveal his identity. Not even his name. Is he a gang leader or maybe a wanted criminal? Maybe he is one of mythical creature. Yeah, that's what I have been assuming for a long time. Maybe a mermaid? Or werewolf? Vampire?
No matter how many times I think about it, I always end up with the conclusion that he is a vampire. Because Emma never stop blabbering about how he is so handsome and perfect at every thing.

Don't laugh at me because I still think these creatures exist. Everyone have the right to believe whatever they want to! I parked my car outside a big house. I checked once again and I was at correct location. I get out of my car and made my way toward door. I rang the doorbell and waited patiently. I can hear yelling and laughter from inside. Wait - one voice is belongs to Emma and second sounds so familiar. Is it Zayn? No, he can't be. I am just imagining because I miss him.
When the door open and I come face to face with the person I never expected. Zayn Green fucking Carver.

He looked shock seeing me there but then he smiled at me softly. I swear I almost melted when he smiled. His eyes are always filled with love and kindness and his smile always calms me.

"Hey" he waved a little

"What are you doing here?" I asked, pissed that he didn't contact me before

"I should be asking that" he said with his eyebrows raised in amusement.That pretty smile never leaving his lips

"My sister send me this address" I said which shocked him even more

"That bitch did!" he muttered under his breath

"Hey how dare you call my sister that!" I yelled and grab his collar

"I am sorry" he said as he wrapped his fingers around mine and gently remove my hands from his collar

"What are you doing here?" I repeated my question again

"Hey pumpkin!" Emma yelled, standing behind Zayn

She pushed him aside and hugged me. After we pull away, she dragged me inside before I can ask her why Zayn is here. Zayn also followed behind with a faint smile on his lips. We sit down on couch in living room. Daniel, Zayn's assistant was also there.

"He is your secret best friend. Right?" I asked, pointing at Zayn who had sat down next to me. I am in between my sister and Zayn. Daniel is sitting on chair in front of us.

"Yes" she said, smiling sheepishly

"I am leaving" I said getting up but was pulled down back by both, Emma and Zayn

"It's not my fault. You used to hate him so I couldn't tell you" Emma said

I turned toward Zayn, excepting an explanation. I raised my eyebrow at him. He just gave me a toothy smile.

"I am sorry. I know it was wrong to keep it a secret. I am sorry" he said

"Seriously?!" I yelled

"Calm down man, she is your sister not daughter. Just like you don't tell her everything about your life, I don't think there is anything wrong if she did the same" Daniel said

"First of all, I didn't ask for your opinion and secondly, I tell her everything" I defended myself

"Then why didn't you tell her about how you two had sleepover twice" Daniel said and Emma's head snapped toward Zayn

"What?!" Emma yelled in shock

"I can explain! Hear me out once" Zayn said, looking nervous

"You bitch! You said you would update me about everything!" Emma yelled as she get up and march toward Zayn

Zayn get up from his seat and start running away from her. She also start chasing him. Ugh... So childish. They are irritating.

"I will never forgive you! Asshole!" Emma yelled

Why are they yelling?! They are giving me headache now.

"You also didn't tell me about that!" Zayn yelled, still running around room

"About what?" Emma asked

"Stop" Zayn said, raising his palm

They stopped, breathing heavily. Zayn went over her and whispered something in her ear. What is he saying?

"Say it loud" I said but they ignored me

What?! Zayn never ignored me before.....

Emma's face turn red and she look at him with wide eyes.

"How do you know?" she asked, well yelled again

"I am not dumb like you" Zayn said, sticking out his tongue at her

"Hehe, it's even then. I forgive you" Emma laughed a little

Zayn is different with them. When he is with me, he is like a mature and comforting man. You know the father figure type. No, don't think wrong, I don't look at him like father. He is 26, one year younger than me. But I just mean I had never seen him weak or miserable. Always taking responsibility and taking care of everything.
However with Daniel and Emma, he is more like a child. Tension free and do things without hesitation like he trust them that they will never judge him or leave him. I want him to be like that with me.
But it's my fault. I judge him about everything. I insult him. I say shit about everything he do. It's obvious he will not be this much comfortable with me. I shouldn't be mad. I know it's because of my own ill behavior and immaturity but couldn't help but feel mad.


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