|33| Truth or Drink

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Cyrus's POV
We cooked dinner together. He did all the work, I just created mess. The pasta was delicious. His cooking skills are truly amazing. He could become a chef or maybe I can make him my personal chef. After dinner, since it was too early to go to bed, we decided to watch a movie.

It's getting boring. I sighed and turned off the TV. Zayn whined and turned toward me with a frown.

"Why did you turn it off?" he asked

"It's boring. Let's play a game instead" I said

"What game?" he asked looking interested

"Truth or drink" I said, smiling mischievously at him

"Okay" he said smirking

He got up and went in the kitchen, later came back with the beer bottle and glasses. He set the glasses and bottle on the table. He filled both glasses and sat down, looking at me excitedly.

"You start" he said

"Favorite color?" I asked, let's start with basic things

"Don't have a specific favorite color. It depends on the shade so I will say rainbow. Sounds pretty gay, I know" he chuckled

"okay, your turn" I said

"How many exes do you have?" he asked

Woah, okay. Straight to the point.

"Dated 15 people during middle and hight school. 7 in college and 1 after college. 23 total" I replied

"Woah, you were a player" he chuckled

"I wasn't serious in any of those relationships except one" I replied casually

He knows who is the exception so he didn't ask further.

"Your turn" he said

"How many exes do you have?" I asked

"One" he replied

"Why did you break up?" I asked

"No, it's my turn to ask" he said

"Okay, ask"

"If your parents don't accept me, what will you do?" he asked

Even I don't know the answer to this question. So I grabbed the glass and emptied it in my mouth.

"Why did you want to die?" I asked

His body become stiff, he took the glass and drank the liquor.

"Do I remind you of Charlie?" he asked

I wanted to say no but the answer is yes. He does reminds me of Charlie sometimes. The way he always know what to do when I am sad, Charlie used to know too. I took the bottle and took a swing.

"Why did you break up with your ex?" I asked

"It was just a bet for him" he replied, looking down and a sad smile on his face like he is recalling the old time.

"I am sorry" I said

"Are you still in love with Charlie?" he asked

"No, it was never love. Yes, it was so close to love but now when I remember him, I don't remember him because I loved him. I remember him because of his betrayal. I sometimes think how things would have turned out if he wasn't a murder" I answered genuinely

He just nodded.

"Where is your grandfather? Is he dead?" I asked

He is still a mystery. One day he just went missing. No one knows where he is.

Zayn visibly stiffened hearing this question. He just silently stare at the floor for a few seconds, looking uncomfortable before answering

"He is dead" he said quietly

"How do you know? How did he die?" I asked

"It's my turn to ask. Why me? Why do you love me?" he asked, a strange emotion in his eyes

"Because why not? I am blessed to have you. You have always been there for me. You didn't leave even when I hurt you, push you away. You make me happy. I feel safe and comfortable with you. I can be myself without being judged. The way you look at me, so lovingly. I don't think anyone else would ever look. You feels like a home to me that everyone yearns for. There isn't a single reason why I shouldn't love you" I said

"What if I gave you a hundred reasons to not love me?" he asked, he sounds like he is afraid to hear the answer

"It's my turn, bastard. Why is your relationship with your parents not good" I asked

"there are so many reasons. Some of which I am not ready to say so I will just drink" he said and drink the liquor


"Now answer my question. If I give you a hundred reasons to not love me, would you leave?" he asked, looking afraid to know

"I will stay for one reason; which is I love you" I replied honestly

He looked kinda relieved hearing my answer. We continued for a while, the questions were not hard like before. By the end we were both drunk because we drank even when we answered.

"Cyrus, will you visit my grave if I die someday?" he asked suddenly

"I don't want you to die. Please don't die ever" I pouted

"As long as you won't leave I won't die" he giggled

"You are drunk" I giggled

"You are also drunk" he laughed

"I am not drunk. I am horny" I laughed

"Really? Hi horny. I am drunk. Nice to meet you" he said and started laughing at his bad joke

"Not funny. I am really horny. I want kiss you and more" I said looking at his lips

He stopped laughing and lean over, his face was just inches away from mine. His eyes were clouded by a weird emotion. It wasn't lust, maybe love.
His warm breath was caressing my lips and I find myself pulling toward him. He closed his eyes and I closed mine too. Then I feel his lips on mine. I feel what girls describe as butterflies in stomach. It was perfect. His lips move in sync with mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck. At first, the kiss was slow and full of love but slowly became heated and passionate. He took full control and I let him. He pushed me down on the couch and hovered over me. He was supporting his weight with his left elbow and his right hand was on my waist. I moaned as his tongue slipped into my mouth.

He pulled away when we both were out of breath, a string of saliva was still connecting our tongue. Then he said, still breathing heavily.

"I want to kiss you again" he whispered

"Who's stopping you" I smiled playfully

"No one" he crashed his lips on mine again


Things are going heated (⊙.⊙)

Next chapter is not for innocent people but since you are on wattpad, you can't be innocent. (¬_¬)

I bet the majority of the reader are extra excited for next chapter. (σ≧▽≦)σ

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