Chapter Four

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The brunette was in the gymn practising his serves. He was oblivious to the sparkling green eyes that were watching his every move but that didn't last long.

"Shittykawa, practice ended over an hour ago, why are you still here?" Iwaizumi shouted. The boy's body shuddered, shit I'm in trouble now, he thought. He turned to his friend, "Gomen, gomen Iwa chan, I was just about to leave, I promise" he says with a weak smile.

"Dumbass, go and get your bag now and I'll wait outside but hurry up as I don't want to be late as some of us have things to do". "Ok, Iwa chan but you didn't need to wait for me, you could have gone straight home" the brunette replied.

The boys walked towards their homes in silence. Iwa pondered to himself, 'he's been really weird all week. It's like he's going out of his way to ignore me'. He glanced at the brunette who was in turn gazing at the floor, "Oi, Kawa" he growled, "what the fuck is wrong with you lately?" Luckily for Kawa they had reached his house so he smiled at the boy with his best fake smile, "I'm fine Iwa chan, I have to go. Lots of homework to do" he replied running to his front door and scooting inside as fast as was feasibly possible. He shut the door behind him and slid down onto the floor, ' Fuck, that was close' the boy thought letting out a breath.

Iwa complained under his breath the rest of the way home, 'why won't he tell me what's wrong.' Iwa opened the door and was immediately called into the family room by his mother. "Hajime, we have visitors and you'll never guess who it is". The boy walked into the room and saw someone who he hadn't seen since he was 8, just before he met Oikawa. It was his cousin Iwaizumi Kaito, the boys had been really close until the family moved away. The boy jumped up smiling and ran towards Iwa, "Hajime how have you been?" the boy asked.

Iwa noticed that he had three other boys with him. "It's so good to see you man" Iwa replied hugging his cousin. "How long are you in town for?" he asked. "About a month" the boy replied. "My friend Nishimura's family have an holiday home 30 minutes outside of town so we're staying there. Let me introduce you" the boy continued.

Iwa's cousin was a year older than him and the 3 boys all looked the same age as Kaito. "This is my cousin Iwaizumi Hajime" the boy said to his friends. "Iwa this is Nishimura Ichiro my best friend. He's currently at University training as a Doctor" Iwa nodded at the boy. He had dark hair, blue eyes and obviously looked after himself but Iwa had the impression just by looking at him, that he was a massive tool. "Hey" Iwa replied. The boy nodded back.

"This is Takagi Haruto and he is a trainee pilot". His cousin continued. Iwa thought that the blonde looked extremely trustworthy and seemed to be a nice guy until he asked Iwa, "I hope that there are some nice looking bitches around here Hajime, I'm feeling a little out of sorts, it you know what I mean" he said smirking. Iwa just made a Tch sound to let the boy know that he didn't like that turn of phrase.

"And finally, he continued, "this is Suzuki Itachi. His father owns a huge I.T conglomerate and he's a model" the boy smiled genuinely at Iwa, "nice to meet you man" he said shaking his hand. "I bet you're not used to being around models, are you Hajime?" his cousin asked.

"Actually" Iwa's mother Aelina replied, "Hajime's best friend Tooru is a model, you may have heard of him" she continued. "The only Tooru I know is Oikawa Tooru" the boy replied. "Yes, yes, that's him" she replied.

She got up from her chair and picked up a photo of Hajime and Tooru together and showed the boys. "Interesting" Suzuki said quietly.

Iwa suddenly jolted upright and realised that he was in Matsun's bed, in the dark and for some reason he had started to dream about the final two weeks that he had with Oikawa before he went missing.

All the boy could think was why? Why was he dreaming about this now.

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