Chapter Fifteen

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FLASHBACK - Outside Aoba Johsai gym on the night Kawa went missing.

Nishimura, Takagi and Suzuki waited outside of the school gym whilst Kaito entered the building looking for his cousin Hajime. They conversed quietly together about exactly what was going on inside.

"Kaito was pissed. I've never seen him so angry" Nishimura stated. "Do you not think that there's something strange about his relationship with his cousin, he's obsessed. All he ever talks about is how disgusting and perverted Oikawa is" Takagi added. "You know Oikawa, don't you Suzuki? Is he like that?" Nishimura asked.

"Not in the slightest, he's a really nice guy and to be quite honest with you, I've always had a bit of a crush on him. You don't realise how gorgeous he is until your up close, he's breathtaking," he sighed.

"So you'd fuck him then?" Takagi sneered. "Not everything comes down to that bro" Nishimura chastised. "Well, I'd fuck him senseless" Takagi continued. "I bet I could have him whining like a slut in no time." "Shut your disgusting mouth before I shut it for you" Suzuki growled. The pair jostled each other, pushing and shoving until Nishimura got in the middle of them.

The man had just managed to calm them down when they heard Oikawa screaming Iwaizumi's name. They looked towards the gym and saw Kaito dragging Iwa away from the building. Iwa looked visibly shaken and Kaito was outwardly seething.

A few minutes later the three boys caught sight of Oikawa leaving the gym. He was sobbing loudly and obviously very unsteady on his feet. He stopped just outside of the entrance and vomited violently all over the floor. Nishimura and Suzuki ran towards the boy with Takagi following unwillingly behind.

"Oikawa, are you ok?" Suzuki asked softly but the boy didn't seem to realise that he was being spoken to. The boy eventually raised his head when he felt someone gently touch his wrist, he recolied away whimpering softly. Nishimura managed to get the boy to sit down whilst rubbing his back comfortingly.

Oikawa calmed down a little as he had remembered that Iwa had told him that the man was training to be a doctor so he told himself that he was obviously just trying to check on his wellbeing. He eventually calmed down and began to listen intently to Suzuki's voice.

"Tooru, are you ok?" he asked. "Please don't call me that I don't know you well enough" Oikawa replied. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I just wanted to make sure that you were ok" Suzuki replied softly. "It's okay, I didn't mean to snap at you" Kawa smiled sadly.

"Guys, I need to leave before the pharmacy closes, can you make sure that he gets home safely" Nishimura asked. "I hope that you are ok Oikawa san" the boy said bowing slightly in front of Oikawa. "Thank you" the boy replied whilst bowing back. Nishimura left Kawa with Takagi and Suzuki and went on his way.

Takagi didn't interact with Kawa directly, he just stood back and watched the interaction between the boy and Suzuki. He noticed that both boys were very attractive and he found his thoughts wandering to perverse places. "Look man, Takagi said to Suzuki, I have places I need to go to so lets just make sure he gets home safe and then I can go about my business".

"Oikawa, we'll walk you home to make sure that you're okay" Suzuki said eyeing the boy intently. "No, I'm fine thank you, he replied, I just need time to think, alone." "Are you going to go straight home ?" Takagi asked, looking closely at the boy. "I'm going to go to the park near to where I live, to calm down a little and then I promise I'll go home" Kawa responded.

With that the boys separated ways, Kawa going towards the park and Takagi and Suzuki going in the opposite direction. "I've managed to find a massage parlour near here, you wanna join?" Takagi asked. " No bro, I've got a telephone meeting with my agent so I'll see you back at the house later" Suzuki replied walking off before turning to shout at his friend, "Don't forget to use a condom, there's all sorts of nasty diseases flying around those places and have fun, I guess"

Takagi waved the other boy off and whispered under his breath, "Oh believe me, I intend to".

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