Chapter Twenty Three

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Please note TRIGGER WARNING - this chapter mentions violence and attempted sexual assault.

Detective Sawamura, Officer Takahashi and the crime scene unit made their way to the front door of the Nishimura residence. However the door was ajar and opened fully at the slightest of pushes.

Sawamura could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up, the atmosphere in the property was dark and scary but the two police officers pushed their way further into the house, their guns brandished, just in case.

"Hello, is there anyone here? This is Detective Sawamura of the Miyagi Police. Come out slowly with your hands behind your head". However there was no noise that led them to believe that anyone was in the property. Detective Sawamura looked at Takahashi and whispered, "I'll go upstairs to check the rooms and you stay and check down here. As soon as the scene has been secured we can let the crime scene team in to collect any evidence that we find, okay?" "Yes sir," the officer replied.

After about 10 minutes all of the rooms had been checked, the house was empty. As Sawamura went to advise the crime scene team to start their inspection Takahashi noticed a hatch in the floor. He pulled it open and noticed a set of wooden stairs which he descended with great care.

Sawamura was just going to locate Takahashi when he heard an extremely loud shout. "Sir, quickly, come down here. There's a cellar and you need to see this urgently".

The detective made his way down the stairs when he saw ropes and handcuffs attached to a mounting on the wall. There was blood on the rope and as he pulled the bed away from the wall he noticed writing in red stating Oikawa Tooru, the person who has me is ......., the writing stopped before the boy had a chance to give them the name of is captor. Takahashi gasped as he realised that Tooru must have written the note in his own blood and he also made sure to leave a finger print. "Clever boy" Sawamura whispered.

"Sir, that's not all, look in the corner over there" the police man advised his superior. The Detective's eyes widened when he saw the unmistakable remains of blood and brain matter. "I'm assuming that if we test that we'll find out that it belongs to the ex police officer whose body we found. Come on, we need to get back and try and find out where they have fled to now". The officer nodded solemnly.


The brunette shook frantically as he watched Suzuki walking towards him whilst removing his shirt. He sat down on the bed at the side of Oikawa smirking, whilst the boy sobbed.

"Shut the fuck up. You should think yourself lucky that I'm going to fuck you senseless, some people would kill for the opportunity". "Please don't" Oikawa whimpered. Suzuki was getting more irritated by the second so he pulled out a large hunting knife. "I was going to untie you but I can see that you're going to attempt to fight me so I'll just cut your clothes off". He reached over and cut each one of the buttons of the brunettes shirt until it was open, showing Oikawa's bare skin underneath.

Oikawa though that he couldn't get anymore scared until the blonde ran the sharpe edge of the knife across the boys neck and down his chest. He pressed hard enough to draw blood but not enough that there was a threat to his life. Suzuki eventually reached the waistband of Oikawa's trousers and quickly cut off the button and then unzipped the article of clothing.

Oikawa scrunched his eyes closed as the realisation that he couldn't stop Suzuki finally dawned on him, "please stop, I'm begging you, please don't do this." However the boy above him just laughed menacingly, "I love it when you beg" and with that he lowered Oikawa's trousers and underwear, leaving him exposed to Suzuki's perverted gaze.

Before Oikawa could say anything else Suzuki was biting and sucking at the brunettes neck whilst grinding against the boy underneath him, "I know you like this, you slut" he growled. Oikawa didn't think it could get any worse until he felt the boy begin to press against his entrance. The brunette screamed whilst sobbing loudly and scrunching his eyes closed.

Just then everything stopped as the boy on top of him collapsed, putting all of his weight on the boy. He had felt a thud and something warm and wet disperse across his face. When he opened his eyes he realised it was blood, Suzuki's blood. He felt the boy being forcably pulled off him and the ropes being untied. He couldn't make out who was untying him due to the blood in his eyes until he heard the person say softly, "come on, let's get you out of here".

Oikawa recognised the voice but wasn't sure who it was, but he didn't care, he just wanted to go home.

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