Chapter Eleven

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Officer Takahashi arrived at the first search area and couldn't believe how many people had turned up to look for the missing boy. He had heard that he had fans and was extremely popular but these people had come from all over Japan. Male and female, young and old, it was amazing.

"Takahashi san" Daichi shouted. "Hey Daichi" he replied. "Do you have a list of the searchers for me?" Yes Sir" he replied handing over the list. They were all volleyball teams from different high schools, some professional teams had also arrived and even the Japan National team made an appearance.

The teams listed were -

Aoba Johsai - Most of the team (Yahaba and Makki had stayed with Iwaizumi until he was released from the hospital) the coaches and all of the students.

Karasuno - Male and female team, coaches and managers and alot of the students

Nekoma - Male team and students

Shiratorizawa - Main team, junior team and students

Date Tech - The team, previous team mates and some students

Johzenji - Main team, manager and students

Inarizaki - Main team, coaches and students

MSBY team and fans

Schweiden Adlers and fans

Japan National teams. Male and female teams, managers, coaches and fans.

Officer Takahashi addressed the crowd, "Thank you all for
joining the search for Tooru. His family and friends thank you. If you make your way over to the command centre you will be put into groups and given a search area. Please make sure that you stay with your team as we don't want to lose anyone else."

Everyone waited to be assigned areas and then began to search.

Back at the hospital, Iwaizumi was waiting to see if the doctor would discharge him as now he was no longer a suspect he would be allowed to join in the search, however there was something that he needed to share with his parents. "Could you all give me a moment with my parents and Tooru's parents please". Everyone left the room.

Iwa was scared but he didn't care anymore. He had decided that he wanted to be with Tooru when he was found and he wasn't going to let anyone get in his way, even his own parents.

"Hajime, honey. What's wrong?" his mother asked holding his hand tightly. "Mom, dad I love Tooru". "Yes, we know dear, you've been friends for such a long time it's only natural that you love him" his mother replied. "No I mean, I'm in love with him" Iwa continued. "Are you trying to tell us that you're gay Hajime?" his father asked. "Yes". Both of his parents stared at him in silence.

Oikawa's parents looked at the boy intently, "He's in love with you too Hajime" Oikawa's mother said whilst smiling softly and holding the boys other hand gently.

Iwa's dad just looked at them all in disbelief, "you all knew about this and didn't tell me" he asked the three adults that included his wife" She nodded silently in response whilst the boys father turned on his heel and ran out of the room slamming the door behind him.

Iwa burst into tears. "I don't care if none of you agree with my feelings but I'm 18 and can make my own decisions even if it means that none of you speak to me again." "Hajime" his mother replied softly, "I'm here for you no matter what. You and Tooru are meant to be together. I've known since you were about 12 everytime you talked about him you smiled so brightly and I noticed that he was exactly the same when he spoke about you. I care immensely about him, he's already like my other son."

"We are with you too Hajime" Oikawa's father smiled, "we know that you belong together. It doesn't matter to me if you are both men as long as you are both happy and care for each other. We also think of you as our other son, so please help us find him and bring him home" The boy sobbed uncontrollably as the three adults hugged him tightly.

The door flung open and all three looked around to see Iwa's dad staring at them through tearful eyes, "Hajime, I don't care if you're gay as long as your happy. Please forgive me for storming out, I was just shocked". Iwa looked wide eyed at his father and began to talk, "Kaito said that you would hate and disown me and call me a faggot if I ever came out to you". His father looked at him with confusion, "I would never say or do that to you, EVER".

Iwa continued, "he said that he hates gay people and told me that I should stay away from Tooru as he just wanted to 'do disgusting, unnatural things to me and that all gay people should be drowned at birth" the other three adults gasped in disbelief.

Iwa's father asked, "are you sure he said that son?" "Yes" Iwa replied, "why?"

"Because Kaito's gay".......

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