Chapter Twenty Nine

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Oikawa was too slow to stop what was coming. He felt a sting in his chest followed by a rush of electricity that raced throughout his body. His muscles spasmed and he fell to the ground unconscious. The taser had worked perfectly.

Takagi grabbed the boy and dragged him into the cabin. He restrained him and put in him a small bedroom, locking the door behind him and then decided to check around the perimeter of the property to make sure no one was about. He didn't want to be disturbed whilst he was having his fun with the lovely Tooru.

The blonde returned to the cabin, his entire body was burning and the adrenaline was coursing through his veins, he felt high even though he hadn't consumed any illicit drugs. He was finally going to have his way with Oikawa, he had been dreaming of this moment for a week and now it was going to happen. He couldn't contain his excitement any longer, as he entered the room.

He sat next to the unconscious boy, "I'm gonna destroy you" he growled as he began to undress him slowly. Oikawa didn't move, he was too scared to, so he continued to pretend to be unconscious. Takagi leant over the brunette and began to bite and suck at his neck as he felt Oikawa squirm beneath him.

The psycopath began to laugh, "I knew that you were awake. Did you think that I wouldn't touch you if you weren't moving? I don't care, lay there or fight it doesn't matter to me. I'm still gonna use you and then end you". The monster licked down Oikawa's chest and down towards his abs. "You're so hot Tooru, you look after your body. I like that".

Oikawa whimpered beneath him, "please don't do this. If you let me go now, I'll tell them that it wasn't you". "Too late, bitch I've waited patiently in line for you and now its my turn, so shut the fuck up and do as you're told" Takagi screeched.

He continued to assault Oikawa, forcing himself on the boy. The brunette just wanted to die at this point so he thought, "I can lie here and let him do what he wants and then he'll kill me or I can fight and maybe be put out of my misery now. He knew that he had to be clever about this if he wanted to live.

Takagi was rutting against Oikawa when the brunette asked, "do you want me to just lie here or do you want me to touch you?" The blonde mused for a while and the thought of Oikawa Tooru, professional model and star volleyball player getting him off excited him. He untied the boy and waited in anticipation. "Come on whore, I don't have all day".

Oikawa knelt down in between his captors legs and took the boy fully in his mouth. He felt sick, dirty and disgusting but this was all a means to an end. He waited until Takagi was moaning at his loudest and bit down as hard as he could, drawing blood. He pushed Takagi off him and made a run for the door, however it was locked.

The brunette ran through the house looking for a way out, all the while hearing Takagi howling in pain. Oikawa finally found the keys, opened the door and made a run for it. He could taste the iron from the blood in his mouth and it caused him to puke violently thinking about what he just did.

The river eventually came into view, "shit" he thought, "i've no way of getting over to the other side". He stood on the bank and all of a sudden he was tackled to the ground by what sounded like a wild beast, it was Takagi. The blonde managed to get on top of Oikawa pinning him down, facing him with his hands wrapped around his neck.

Takagi squeezed on the boys throat with all his might and managed to get Oikawa's head under the water. The brunette fought and thrashed about, trying with all his strength to get the boy off. After a few minutes the thrashing stopped and Oikawa's body lay limp and lifeless.

Takagi cried with joy, watching someone die like that was better than he could ever imagine it would be.

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