Chapter Thirty Two

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The door to Oikawa's room flew open and in burst a multitude of people all wanting to welcome the boy, that they thought they'd lost, back into their lives. As they stood gazing into the room they saw Oikawa and Iwaizumi wrapped in each others arms sound asleep. "Cute" Makki whispered.

The peace didn't last long as Oikawas mother, father and sister hurled themselves at the boys, all shedding happy tears. The were followed closely by Iwaizumi's parents. The boys both started to stir from their sleep.

Oikawa's big brown eyes opened wide as they met an identical pair, his mothers. A sob caught in her throat as she ran towards the boy and wrapped her arms around him tightly, "my baby" she sobbed, "my boy. I never thought I'd see you again. I thought I'd lost you forever". Oikawa hugged her tightly sobbing his heart out. "I know my baby" she whispered, "you've been through so much, you're so brave".

The brunettes father turned to Iwa and said shakily, "I will never be able to thank you enough for saving Tooru. I know without you we would have been visiting a corpse, you didn't just save Tooru, you saved his family too". Iwa had tears streaming down his face as the man pulled him into an embrace.

The door opened and in walked Detective Sawamura, "I'm so glad that you are both okay. I don't mind saying that you really gave me a fright".

Oikawa looked at the Detective and asked, "What actually happened?" " We can talk about this later, you need to rest and recover" Sawamura replied. "No, please, we all need to know"

The detective sat and began to go over the details of what occured. Both set's of parents, Oikawa's sister and Matsun and Makki stayed, the rest of the team waiting outside. "Do you remember some months ago turning down Suzuki Itachi at a photo shoot?" " Vaguely" the boy answered. "Well he put the plans in motion back then to get his revenge. His family have connections to one of the Tokyo crime families and so he managed to hire a corrupt cop to kidnap you".

"So this has been going on for months?" Iwa asked. "Yes but he got lucky when he realised when he came here with Kaito and saw Tooru. On the night of the kidnapping he and his accomplice knocked you unconscious and took you when they thought no one was watching. He hadn't seen Nishimura, who had in turn witnessed everything, but due to medical issues he passed out at the scene and only remembered on the day he and Suzuki were murdered.

"Who killed them" Oikawa asked. "Well Suzuki killed the accomplice, the day after you were taken". Oikawa was as white as a sheet, "are you ok Tooru or do you want him to stop?" Iwaizumi asked. "No I want him to continue although I do know about the man being shot in between the eyes". Sawamura gasped, "how did you know?" the officer asked. "Because he shot him in front of me" Oikawa whispered. He felt Iwa's embrace get tighter around him, "I'm okay Iwa chan".

"We think that Nishimura accidentally killed Suzuki as he was trying to save Tooru. Is that right? "Yes" Oikawa replied. "We then think that Takagi mudered Nishimura so that he could torture and kill you" Everyone looked in shock at the boy who had been through so much but he didn't look traumatised, he looked strong.

"What happened then?" Oikawa asked. " Well Kaito remembered a property that the boy had access to so we made our way over there to check it out. When we got there Officer Takahashi and I checked the property and locked the boys in the car. When we got back they had broken out and gone to the riverbank in search of you."

"You were unconscious and not breathing when we got there" Iwaizumi took over explaining to Oikaww what had happened that night. "I knocked him off you and punched him a few times but Kaito shouted that you weren't breathing so I moved away from him and started doing C.P.R. The psycho decided that he was going to finish me because he knew that I wouldn't stop trying to revive you even if it meant I died"

Oikawa was crying so hard that he could barely breathe, "Hajime, I love you so much." "How did Kaito end up dying?"Makki asked.

Iwaizumi looked at the Detective and answered, "he jumped in front of me, to protect us both. He was stabbed really badly and that's when Detective Sawamura arrived and shot and killed Takagi" "I don't understand why he would give his life for you though Iwa. I mean I know that you're family but that never seemed to bother him before," Matsun asked.

"He told me that he was in love with me and that's why he tried to break Tooru and I up" Iwa explained. "I don't want to remember him like that. He saved our lives Hajime, so I don't want that to be mentioned outside of this room. It wouldn't be far to his family"Oikawa replied.

Detective Sawamura stood and shook both boys by the hand, "Look after each other, you two. Whatever you have is extremely special never forget that" he said and left the room, to go home to his family.

The rest of the visitors left about thirty minutes later. The boys were laid in each others arms, looking lovingly at each other. "Tooru, can I ask you something" Iwa asked "Yes baby, go ahead".
"I know that we're only 18 but I never want to be away from you again ever. When we leave college, will you marry me?" Oikawa gasped his eyes wide, "yes, in a heartbeat" he replied, "but it isn't legal here". Iwa smiled brightly "we can go somewhere that allows us to. So will you marry me?" "Yes, my love" he replied, kissing the boy gently.

"I love you Hajime". "I love you more Tooru".

The end.

Thank you to everyone who supported this book, it really means alot x

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