Chapter Seven

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The doors flung open and in strode Coach Mizoguchi and the remaining volleyball team members. "Where is he?" the coach asked the two worried boys that were sat in the hospital waiting room.

Matsun shook his head and looked at him, obviously very affected by how he had seen his friend. Makki decided to answer in his friends place as the taller male didn't seem that he would be able to articulate the events of the evening. "It's bad". "What do you mean by bad?" the coach asked. "The doctors think that he's had some sort of mental breakdown". Makki replied.

Before the conversation could continue the door opened again, this time it was Detective Sawamura. "Is he ok?" he asked. "We're just waiting for the doctor to come out and explain what is going on" the coach replied. "You put too much pressure on him" Matsun growled at the Detective. "He's broken, can't you see. His closest childhood friend is missing and it doesn't look good. He's distraught and I can tell you now that he would never hurt Oikawa, he loves him."

Detective Sawamura replied, "I'm sorry that you feel that way but he acted extremely suspiciously when I asked him about the last time that he saw Tooru. Someone has to think about him in all this chaos. He could be dead or gravely injured so I need to find him". Makki was enraged, "what do you mean by someone needs to think about Tooru. We would all die for him without a second thought so don't you dare say that".

Matsun put his arm around him friend and pulled him closer, "it's okay Makki, we know how we feel about Iwa and Kawa and we won't give up on either of them".

The door opened again and the Doctor walked over to the two boys that had brought his patient into the hospital and their acting adult, Coach Mizoguchi. "I've had to sedate Hajime, his mental health is really suffering at the moment so I need to keep him here fot at least the next 48 hours to establish if he has had a mental breakdown and to ensure that he doesn't hurt himself".

"Can I talk to him now?" Detective Sawamura asked. The Doctor looked at him closely and replied, " No one can talk to him for the next 48 hours." "but, I have to talk to him. We have a missing person" the detective answered. "I'm sorry but I can't allow it. Firstly he's out cold and secondly he is too fragile to deal with anything at the moment" and with that he left the waiting room.

The Detective looked at the coach and advised, "I'll be back in a few days." the coach nodded and walked towards Iwa's room whilst the Detective went to leave the waiting area.

"Detective Sawamura" a voice shouted. The Detective turned and looked at the boy behind him. It was Kyoutani, "when Iwaizumi san left the gym he was with his cousin Kaito. When I went to leave I noticed Kaito's three friends talking to Kawa outside. So you may need to talk to them". "Do you know where they're staying?" the policeman asked. "No, but Iwa's mom and dad are on their way to the hospital now and they'll have the details"

The Detective nodded at the boy and momentarily left the hospital to follow up on some leads. Would he ever find the boy or was he too late already?

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