Chapter Twenty Seven

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Oikawa had been running around trying to find somewhere to hide for the last twenty minutes, he had no idea as to how he was still standing. He hadn't eaten or slept in nearly a week and the terror of not knowing what would happen to him next left him feeling drained.

It was extremely dark as they were in the middle of a forest so there was no light from street lamps or car headlights and even the moon was hidden due to the cloudy sky above. The temperature had also began to plummet so he knew that he had to find some shelter or he would end up with pneumonia, as he was wearing very little.

The brunette tiptoed quietly aroung the area as he didn't want to give up his position just in case Takagi was still in the area. He ducked behind some bushes and saw a very small cabin in a clearing. There was no lights on and no vehicles outside so he slowly made his way over to it. He noticed a small boat on a trailer which led him to believe that there was a lake or river nearby so he decided to try and break in, find warm clothes, eat and then make a move before sunrise. Hoping that this meant Takagi wouldn't find him.


The scene was a shambles, reporters had already started to emerge but were behind the crime scene tape that was quite a distance away from the property and it's gruesome contents.

A voice came over the police radio, "Detective Sawamura. I have two boys who say that they need to speak to you urgently". The officer grumbled under his breath, "look someone speak to them as I'm really busy at the moment" he answered. He was just going to go back into the house when his radio crackled again, "what, I've already to....". "Sir the boys are Iwaizumi Hajime and Iwaizumi Kaito" the man on the phone interrupted. "I'll be right there" Sawamura answered rushing towards the crowd.

The detective motioned for the policeman at the tape to let the boys enter the scene. He didn't say anything to either of them he just gestured towards the entrance to the property. They entered and then made their way into the kitchen were they sat aroud a large table. Sawamura was just about to question them when the coroner went passed the opening with two body bags.

All of a sudden he could hear ragged breathing, someone was having great difficulty breathing. He turned around quickly and noticed Hajime in the midst of a full blown panic attack. He was shaking, sobbing and retching but there was nothing coming up. He looked stunned, "N nnoot T..tooru, notttt" he gasped.

Sawamura shouted for a medic to try and calm the boy down, he had also been through so much over the last week. "Hajime, listen to me, breathe. It isn't Tooru, do you understand?" He nodded his head but then immediately passed out but was caught by Kaito so he wasn't injured. When he came around he just sat quietly looking at the Detective.

Kaito looked at the dark haired man and asked, "who was it?". Sawamura looked at him and asked, "who, was what?" "Who died" Kaito asked quietly. The Detective looked at him and replied, "I'm sorry but it was Nishimura and Suzuki." Sawamura was surprised to see Kaito openly cry. "There's no way that Nishimura was involved in this, he would never hurt anyone".

"It was Nishimura who found out that Suzuki had brought Tooru here, he contacted me and entered the building in an attempt to save the boy but unfortunately for him, he was murdered for trying to be a hero".

"Did Suzuki kill him?" he asked. "No, we think that Nishimura killed Suzuki accidentally whilst trying to get him off Tooru" the detective answered. "So who killed Nishimura?" Kaito asked and then his face changed.

"Please tell me you don't think that Takagi killed him and then took Oikawa?" "That's exactly what we think" the officer replied.

The look of horror that the boy had on his face was evident, "If Takagi has him, he's already dead!!!!!"

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