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John was chosen to do the exorsism on the trouble making ghost this time, with Monk as his back up in case things went wrong. He stood in the middle of the hall, sweat forming on his brow as he stood in his full priest attire, awaiting further instructions.

The rest of the team were waiting at the base, watching through the monitors. Olivia and Rebecca had wanted to go and see the exorcism first hand but Naru had objecting stating that 'they'd get in the way'.

"Ready?" Ayako asked them, through the microphone. The two men gave them the thumbs up and smiled.

"In the beginning, the word was God...." As John began reciting the first extract of the new testament the ghost appeared in the hall, wisps of what looked like grey smoke covering the hall floor. She let out a piercing scream and the lights smashed above them. She looked around at them and tried to attack John who was sprinkling the holy water across her path. Monk stepped in, reciting his Buddhist mantra with his fingers linked together. The ghost became enraged and attempted to attack the men yet again but they held a strong fight and fought back harder, reciting with a louder and more stern tone.

"Will they be okay?" Rebecca asked nervously, jumping as more lights smashed and they stumbled back.

"They will be fine, they're professionals you know!" Ayako replied, reassuringly.

"We've had worse cases," Naru added, leaning back as they all watched the ghost disappear. Monk and John both shared a wary glance at the place where the ghost disappeared and sighed. They headed back to base where they collided with the two English girls who attacked them with hugs.

"You did it!"

"You say it as if you thought I couldn't!" Monk smiled. Olivia hid her head in his chest and chuckled.

"You know what I mean!" 

"Well done!" Rebecca laughed as John grinned nervously and returned her embrace. The rest of the group stood awkwardly watching as the two exorcists got all the love.

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