Exam Crasher- Ghost hunt fanfic.

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"So our exam is at...1, yeah?" A short girl with light pink hair and a black hoodie asked, hitching her backpack so it was more comfortable. Her friend, a slightly taller girl with brown hair and right read t-shirt, nodded her head. The pair headed for a nearby tree where they sat for their lunch every day before heading off for their afternoon exams.

Rebecca and Olivia were in their last year of collage and the amount of exams they had each day was too many for their liking. Begrudgingly they arrived early for each one, however, and managed to get them done. That was, however, until the exam hall ghost appeared and ruined the class' exam times and results.

The ghost was starting to affect the whole year and the head teacher, phoned up SPR, a highly regarded Ghost Hunting team from Japan to come over and sort out the problem. He even payed for the airline expenses and organised for somewhere for them to stay.

The team were due to arrive at 12:30, half an hour before the exams but hadn't turned up by the time it hit 12:40.

The head teacher sat at his desk, sighing an rubbing his head. Where were they? He assumed their flight was delayed and carried on with the paperwork, organising the re-takes for the exam students who's tests had been interrupted.

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