Map reading

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"Now take a left here."

"Are you sure? I thought we were suppose to take a left back at the last roundabout..."

"Haven't we already passed that tree?"

Naru sighed impatiently as the team argued over directions, the crumpling of the map-which took up most of the van space-echoing.

"I think we're lost..." Mai giggled nervously. Lin rubbed his head in frustration and pulled over on the sir of the empty muddy road. They had unknowingly taken a wrong turn and had driven into the countryside, which was next to the town where their destination was on the map. The town, however, had been covered by Monk's hand all the time and went unnoticed. When the team realised this, they laughed, piling back into the car, with the exception of Lin and Naru who just sighed and got in without a word.

When the team finally arrived at their destination, they breathed a sigh of relief and headed to reception where a short busty woman with big hair and long nails greeted them with a beaming smile.

"Hiya! How may I help you?"

"We're here to see Mr Stanley, the headmaster hired us." Naru stated monotonously.

"Oh you must be Shibuya Psychic Research! Right this way!" She giggled, gesturing to follow her. She lead the team down the hall to a large, mahogany door and knocked.

"Hello, Mr Stanley? The ghost hunting team are here!" She smiled, leaving the room.

The team edged in slowly towards a thin man who had the look of worry and impatience plastered on his face, practically dripping with sweat. When he noticed the team had arrived all the pain was lifted from his face and he let out a sigh of relief.

"You see, this year the students results have been excellent, not to mention their dedication to their lessons. I truly want them all to pass,but with the ghost interfering they barely had time to write their name, let alone answer the questions. We tried moving the location, but it only made things worse! I don't know what to do anymore, the holidays are closing in and I don't want the tests to clash with the students breaks." The head teacher sighed. Naru nodded, writing down in his notebook before slamming it shut.

"When are the next exams set for?" He asked.

"Um, in five minutes,"

"Could be watch them? To find out the problem causing the haunting, I think we need to witness the acts at hand." The head master nodded wearily and lead the team down to the hall where students were lining up waiting to enter the hall. Rebecca and Olivia among them.

"The next exams are for business studies." The headmaster explained. The team nodded and were lead into the hall where they took a seat behind Olivia, who was currently sat bolt upright, sweating at the thought of the ghost attacking her and ruining her test papers. A reassuring hand was place on her shoulder and she turned to see the headmaster. She smiled nervously, waving at the group of strangers all watching her.

"This is Olivia Allen, she's one of our top students, along with Rebecca Sherman," he gestured to the girl sat in front who turned and grinned.

"Good luck!" Mai gave them the thumbs up and they giggled, before turning back to their papers as the exams started.

Around two seconds into the test, the room's temperature began to drop and an eerie fog clouded the floor, as he students chattered nervously, a few lights snapped off and tabled were thrown back, including Olivia and Rebecca's.

At the sheer force of impact, not only the table, but Olivia was thrown backwards and she clenched her fists and shut her eyes, bracing herself for the pain of hitting the wall, as she had no way to stop herself.

Luckily there was someone quick enough to catch her, someone by the name of Takigawa. He smiled warmly as the girl breathed a sigh of relief, thanking her saviour. Monk carried the shaken up student all the way to the maths room, where they set up base, as it was only a few rooms down from the hall.

"Are you okay?" He asked the girl, leaning over and checking her temperature. She nodded.

"Here, drink this." Ayako said, handing her a cup of water which she downed in a few seconds.


"So your Shibuya Psychic Research?" She asked, curious. Mai nodded.

"What's Japan like?" The team laughed at the odd question.

"Warmer than here!" Monk joked.

"Aren't most places? So how long do you recon you'll be here for?"

"As long as it takes to complete this case, why?" Naru asked, sceptically.

"Because..." She twiddled her thumbs. "I was wondering, if you didn't mind...if me and my friend, Rebecca helped you out?" She asked hopefully.

"We've been here longer than you and know most students so we could get information off them easily. Plus, we've always wanted to work for a psychic team before!" She giggled nervously.

2 agonising minutes went past before Naru finally answered.

"Fine. Only for this case though."

"Yay! Thank you! You won't be dissapointed!" She laughed happily, running off to find her friend to tell her the exiting news.

"What just happened?" Ayako said gobsmaked.

"Was Naru just...kind?" Mai joked. Naru shot her a glare and went back to writing.

"This is going to be an interesting case," John said

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