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"I can't believe your leaving us behind!" Rebecca exclaimed as they stood at the airport to say goodbye to their new friends. After a long day of packing all the equipment away, they hadn't really used the time to say goodbye, rather they used it as an excuse to hang out with the team and muck around, to Naru's annoyance.

"Come with us!" Mai said dramatically, giggling as the two hugged her and the others in a group hug, with Naru and Lin in the middle so they couldn't escape.

"Is this necessary?" He sighed impatiently.

"Yes. Yes it is."

"We'll miss our flight."

"As much as I hate to, I have to agree," Monk interjected, sad that he had to leave but glad he had new found friends.

"Yes, and you have all our e-mail addresses so you can talk to us online."

"You better get on Skype, Takigawa Hosho or some how or other I will call upon the ghosts to haunt you!" Olivia threatened him, waving her hands in a creepy fashion/

"Yes, darling I will!" He poked his tongue out at her and hugged her before leaving to follow the rest of the team to the aeroplane.

"Bye!" They called out as the door closed.

"I'm going to miss them," Olivia croaked, trying not to cry.

"Me too," Rebecca agreed as they watched the plane take off, unknown to the fact that the SPR team were saying the exact same thing.

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