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"Rebecca! Rebecca guess what!?" Olivia yelled as she burst into the dorm. Rebecca looked up from her manga and looked at her friend quizzically.


"We can work with the SPR team!" She squealed dancing round the room. Soon after, Rebecca joined we after processing the information.

"We're gonna be ghost hunters! We're gonna be ghost hunters!" They chanted dancing round.

"What are you two squeaking about?" Their roommate sighed.

"Nothing." They giggled and went back to blogging and revision.


~~The next Day~~

As soon as the sun rose Olivia and Rebecca were up and ran up to the maths room where they met with the members of SPR.

"Hey your up early!" Mai yawned, waving to the pair.

"Yup!" They giggled and sat down, sipping at the tea Mai handed them.

"Oh my gosh!" Mai exclaimed.

"What?" Ayako asked, emerging in the doorframe.

"We haven't even introduced ourselves!"

"Oh yeah....!" Rebecca laughed.

"We'll I'm Mai Taniyama,"

"John brown," the short blonde smiled.


"Takigawa Houshou," he grinned in mock salute.

"And that's Lin and Naru."

"Naru? As in Oli-"

"Instead of babbling why don't you get to work!" Naru said hastily.

"Oh, what should we do?" Olivia asked, warily.

"I need you I research all the newspaper reports from this school and find any useful information as to who this spirit is and why they are haunting the school."

"All of them!?" Olivia cried out.

"All of them. Rebecca I need you and John to go with Masako to see if you sense any spirits. Takigawa and Ayako, go with Olivia."

"Okay, boss!" They chorused and headed off.

"So this is where we depart," Rebecca chucked.

"Don't get attacked by rogue spirits now!" Olivia jokes, waving, but not before whispering

"Have fun with your Australian Heart throb!" Rebecca blushed and retorted

"And you with your Buddhist Hero!"


The trio walked into the library, where only a few students sat busily revising. They walked over to the desk where the old librarian sat and coughed quietly.

"Oh-hello, how can I help you?"

"We were wondering if you had any print outs of old newspaper articles?" Olivia asked.

"Oh yes, what so you need them for?" She replied, searching for the prints.

"Investigation purposes."

'Oh! Are you with the 'Shibuya Psychic Research'?"

"Yes," Takigawa smiled. The lady handed them the old newspapers.


"These go back years!" Ayako sighed.

"Paper cut!" Olivia hissed, wrenching her hand away from the paper

"You okay?" Takigawa asked, leaning in to inspect the cut.

"Uh, yeah." She blushed. He pulled a plaster from his pocket and wrapped it round her finger, leaning back and smiling.

"Thanks," Olivia stuttered.

"S'okay," he relied and they got back to reading.

Hours passed and soon all the occupants of the Library had disappeared, all exept the SPR team. They were still looking through the papers when suddenly Olivia called out.

"What does it say?" Ayako asked.

"Okay, so it says here that an old student committed suicide a year ago."

"Makes sense. Maybe she had unfinished buisness?" Ayako suggested.

"Yeah. Maybe she was bullied or something?" Takigawa added.

"Hm. Maybe, it says she was a grade A-A* student. Maybe she was teased for being smart?"

"Or couldn't handle the pressure of keeping up with her grades?"

"Not sure, but we should was back to base now and tell the others about our findings." Takigawa said and they handed back the other papers and headed off with the newspaper.

"So, what was the whole 'Buddhist Hero' thing about?" Takigawa.

"The what?" Ayako raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, just something Rebecca said about when you saved me from becoming part of the wall when you guys arrived." Olivia said, blushing. How did he hear that conversation?!

"Ooh. Sure it wasn't anything to do with my good looks and great peraonality?" He winked.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Takigawa."

"Call me Monk," He grinned.

"Hello! Still here!" Ayako exclaimed.

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