Chapter 1- That's Debatable.

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Darcy's POV.

I was sat in the back of an ambulance with an orange blanket wrapped around me. They said it was for the shock but I wasn't in shock.

Idiots. They don't even listen. The police, that is.

A silver haired, middle aged (I would say) man was walking towards me with a sternness I'd seen many times.

Police. High up. Sergeant or Inspector, Of Some Kind. Wife Having An Affair With... A PE Teacher. Stressing About A Divorce And His Job.

A younger man, in  a blue overall, was in tow behind him.

Forensics Department: Blue Overall, Obvious. Smug Arse, His Face Told Me That. Having An Affair, Not Sure With Whom. No Wedding Ring But Tan Line Where It Should Be. Wife's Out Of Town Then.

Something about his demeanour but I felt like walking up to Mr Smug and just giving him a little tap around the face. Although that would probably get me arrested.

"Hello. My name is Detective Inspector Lestrade." He introduced himself and stood in front of me. Detective Inspector. I was so close. "This is Philip Anderson. Our forensics expert."

I fought to hold back a laugh and muttered, "Debatable."

The forensics 'expert' crossed his arms and asked condescendingly, "What did you say?"

I rolled my eyes at his manner, "Nothing." I pulled the blanket around myself more and put on my best innocent little girl face. "How long will I have to stay here for? It's just, I'm tired and cold." I pleaded and stuck my bottom lip out for effect.

Lestrade's eyes softened but Mr Smug kept his arms folded, glaring at me. He wasn't buying my act at all.

"We'll let you go soon. But first I need to ask you some questions." Lestrade stated and sat next to me in the back of the ambulance.

I glared at Mr Smug, willing him to go away. I didn't want him nor his condescending manner anywhere near me.

"Anderson, could you leave us for a minute." Lestrade asked Mr Smug. My not so discreet hint at my hatred of that man seemed to work wonders.

Mr Smug grumbled under his breath and turned, storming off and ducking under the yellow tape cordoning off the house. "Thank god." I muttered and Lestrade chuckled next to me.

"How did you come across the body?" He interrogated and I was almost blindsided by the shift in tone.

Lie. A lie. Anything. "Well some guy was, sort of, scaring me. You know walking really close behind me and stuff. So I decided to hide in the abandoned house. All the doors were locked except that one and I opened it to see her laying there. Oh god, I just want to go home." I sniffled at the end to make it sound as though I were really upset.

Lestrade patted my arm awkwardly, "It's okay. Just one more question. Did you touch her at all? You know, contaminating the crime scene and all that."

I wish. I could have got more evidence and helped solve the murder. It was definitely murder, I just had a feeling. "No." I answered briefly and he stood from the ambulance.

"Well, thank you..." Lestrade towered over me and looked down expectantly.

"Darcy. Darcy Byrne." He held his hand out for me to shake and I put my hand in his, however hesitant. He had quite a firm grip and I was relieved when he let go.

"Darcy, you are free to go as soon as the paramedics clear you." He told me and turned, ducking under the tape as his colleague had before him.

And here I sat. Alone. Only an orange blanket for the not so cold air. Screw this. I shrugged the blanket off my shoulders and stood.

I looked across to the house and saw a tall man wearing a trench coat marching towards the yellow tape. He won't get very far, they won't let him in. They don't let civilians past the tape.

Rolling my eyes, I turned on my heel and began to walk away, "Hello freak." I heard a woman say and at this I snapped back around. It turned out she wasn't addressing me but the tall man with curly, black hair.

From where I stood, which was quite a way away, I couldn't hear what they were saying. I looked around, nobody was watching me.

I crept towards the curly haired man and I now noticed the smaller man stood next to him. He held a crutch in his right hand and his hair was a sandy, blonde colour.

I crouched behind the front of a police car, I could just hear what they were saying. "Well you know what I think, don't you?" The woman from earlier remarked, she was short and had dark skin, I had to admit she had quite nice hair, brown and really curly.

Curly ducked underneath the tape, "Always Sally." He sniffed and smelt her, bit creepy, "I even know you didn't make it home last night."

This was getting interesting, how did he know? I wanted to know too. I shuffled a bit, my feet becoming numb and I tried to move them but ended up causing myself more pain. I tripped over my own feet and landed on my side, "Ow." I grumbled and turned to see an Officer stood over me. "Oh, hello Officer."


So Chapter 1 what did you guys think, do you like Darcy? I do, I tried to make her act a bit like Sherlock but with more emotion. So not a sociopath, basically. Let me know, comment and vote ;) xx

I got the transcript from Ariane DeVere, here's the link:

Disclaimer- I don't own any of the characters, except Darcy, or any lines from the show. All rights to those belong to the BBC and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Script belongs to Ariane DeVere.

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