Chapter 6- Deduce Me Mr Holmes.

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Darcy's POV.

Sherlock and I strode ahead of John who was hobbling behind us, he finally caught up. We may have slowed down a little for him, though.

"Where are we going?" He asked as he appeared behind us.

I sighed, "Northumberland Street."

"It's a five minute walk from here." Sherlock added, flicking his coat collar up a bit. I shoved my hands into the pocket of my jeans, showing the top Sherlock loved so much. I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye.

John was trailing a bit behind and spoke up, "You think he's stupid enough to go there?"

I turned and walked backwards, facing John, "No, we think he's brilliant enough. I love brilliant ones, don't you Sherlock. Always so desperate to get caught, you know?" I smiled and walked forwards again, with an air of confidence about me.

I was safe. And happy. Two things I never thought I'd be.

"Why?" John asked and I could picture the look on his face, one of utter bewilderment.

"Appreciation! Applause! At long last the spotlight. That's the frailty of genius, John: it needs an audience." Sherlock stated, making large gestures with his hands as he spoke.

I heard John sigh, "Yeah." I chuckled a bit as I knew what he was implying.

Sherlock does need an audience for his genius. That audience being John and myself, in this given moment.

Then Sherlock span around on the spot but still managed to walk forwards, indicating the area around us, "This is his hunting ground, right here in the heart of the city. Now that we know his victims were abducted, that changes everything."

"All of the victims disappeared from busy places, crowded streets and whatnot, but nobody actually saw them go." I mused aloud, mainly to myself.

Sherlock raised his hands and put them to the sides of his forehead, "Think! Who do we trust, even though we don't know them?"

"Bank clerks..." I suggested.

"What, no! Shut up. Who passes unnoticed wherever they go?" He added and frowned at me.

"Homeless people... Kids..." I suggested once again.

"Darcy, shut up." He snapped, "Who hunts in the middle of a crowd?"

"Serial killers..." I shrugged.

"Yes, obviously Darcy. John?" He whipped his head around to glance at John.

"Dunno. Who?" He sighed.

Sherlock just shrugged, "Haven't the faintest. Hungry?" He lowered his hands and lead us inside a small restaurant.

"Hold on." I called as I remained outside, shocked, "How come if you have no idea, you know my ideas were wrong?"

"Because they're stupid suggestions. Think harder, next time." He snapped and stood holding the door open for me. I stumbled through, still trying to process what he'd said.

We approached the waiter near the door and he motioned to a reserved table near the window. "Thank you, Billy" Sherlock called as he went to the table. I went to follow Sherlock and John to the table but a hand in front of me stopped me, "Don't I know you?"

"Urm... No." I answered and smiled cheekily at him. I did in fact know him, some teenagers were trying to pinch some food. I tried to stop them, but it turns out they thought it was me.

Billy's eyes became stern, "You're the girl that tried to pinch that food!"

"You've made a mistake. I was trying to stop them." I protested. It was no use, so I looked him up and down.

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