Chapter 4- Umbrella Man.

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Darcy's POV.

Our pace quickened and we ended up running away from the crime scene, "We're looking for the suitcase aren't we?" I asked the curly haired man next to me who's coat flew out behind him as he ran.

"Yes." He stopped and span around, looking for something.

I did the same but just did it for the fun of it, smiling wildly. "What are you looking for?" I started to get dizzy and almost fell over, I put my hand on Sherlock's forearm to steady myself. "Sorry." I muttered and quickly withdrew my arm.

"A back street, off Lauriston Gardens, wide enough to drive a car down." He answered, pointedly and pressed his hands onto the sides of his forehead.

I furrowed my brow, "What are you doing?"

"Mind palace. Shut up."

Mind palace, so like the house in my mind where I store all my memories and just things I generally need to remember.

We are so alike.

"I have one of them." I blurted out but he didn't seem to hear me, so I just closed my eyes and delved into my mind house to try to find an street large enough.

No. Not that one. Nope. Nada. Definitely Not.

The names of all the back streets flashed behind my eye lids. Until one appeared. That's plausible, I thought.

"Got it." We said simultaneously and smiled at each other before taking off in the direction of the street. We speed walked in complete silence, but not an uncomfortable one, a mutual thinking silence.

The back street, when we arrived, was dark, eerie and echoed as we walked down it. It was wide enough for a car to fit down and I knew that this was where we'd find the suitcase.

"So the killer drove her to Lauriston Gardens, she swallowed the pill and then the killer drove here to dump the pink suitcase, he didn't realise he still had." I concluded and Sherlock merely nodded as a skip filled with cardboard boxes and dry wall came into view at the end of the darkened street.

We stopped in front of it, "Have you ever climbed into a skip before, Darcy?" He asked rhetorically and I knew where this was going.

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows at him, "Do you even need to ask?" He smiled and I put my hands on the side of the skip, jumping up and swinging my legs over. I landed in the cardboard and popped my head up from beneath the pile, "I hope there's nothing gross in here."

"Just find the case." He sighed, I rolled my eyes and began rooting around in the rubbish. I felt my goggles slipping off my head, so I whipped them off my head and threw them in Sherlock's direction. He caught them with ease, "What are these even for?"

"They look cool." I mumbled from the skip, my head covered by a large piece of cardboard, "Plus, I put UV lenses in them so they're like sunglasses. I'm having no luck in here, it's just a mass of-"

My hand hit something that wasn't cardboard or dry wall.

Fabric. Plastic. Metal, In Places. Suitcase.

My hands grabbed onto the material object and I yanked it upwards. A pink suitcase. I smiled and heaved it over to the edge of the skip, "Look what I found."

Sherlock seized the suitcase from my hands and thrust my goggles back into my now empty hands. I sighed and placed them back on top of my short, loosely curled hair. Pushing myself from the skip, I sat on the edge and put my arms out to Sherlock, "Help me down?" I asked.

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