Chapter 19- Cats... Creepy Cats.

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A/N- I'm back, finally! So I wrote this in the space of about a day and a half so I'm sorry if it's not great! Happy reading, I suppose :) xx


Darcy's POV.

I watched on from my seat on the sofa as Sherlock pinned several pictures of different ciphers, pictograms and symbols on and around the mirror. "Wow. You've done your homework." I commented and smirked at him, he whipped his head around and glared slightly.

He walked over to the book shelf and picked a book out, opening it and plopping down into his armchair. He appeared to scan read a couple of pages before looking up suddenly and staring straight into the kitchen.

"Do you want a cuppa or anything?" I suggested, as he seemed to be a bit bogged down with the case and in need of something to calm him down. Although, what did I know? I was just a kid in his eyes.

His head snapped in my direction and he frowned, "You changed."

I furrowed my brow and pushed myself out of my seat, shaking my head, I walked over to the book shelf myself and read the titles of all the factual books. "I've what?" I asked vaguely, as I scanned all the different colours and sizes of books.

"Since I first met you." He clarified, his head looking back down at his book and he continued, "You've changed."

I ran my finger along the spine of a book, 'Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers.' I pulled my lips together and took the book from the shelf, turning to face Sherlock and brandishing it, "Is this a good read?"

"Are you even listening to me?" He exclaimed and turned his head to face me, I raised my arms in surrender and moved to sit down again.

I sat down heavily and put the book down next to me, "Honestly though, no. I wasn't really listening to you." He glared over at me and I smiled innocently.

He sighed, looking back down at his book, "I was saying that you have changed." He repeated, saying each word clearly and I frowned, but he just continued, "When we first met you were cocky, confident and eager to impress."

"And now?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

He looked up at me, closing the book, and in his eyes I saw a pained expression, "Now you're... not any of those things. To me, anyway. I cannot vouch for John, Lestrade or Anderson."

"Oh. Sorry to disappoint I suppose." I replied glumly, picking up the book and opening it onto the first page. It was a bit odd to say the least.

With both of our heads buried into our own separate books, neither of us looked at each other and so I was quite surprised when Sherlock said, "I'm not disappointed. Not in you."

"Okay. Are you feeling alright?" I asked him cautiously as anything could tick him off sometimes and closed my book once again, sitting it on my lap.

"I'm fine." He answered pointedly, still consumed in his own book.

I sighed, "I'm not like that anymore around you, Sherlock, because I don't have to impress you." I admitted and to be honest I was quite surprised as the words left my mouth, I hadn't even really dwelled on these thoughts let alone voice them to anyone else.

He looked up and over at me, frowning. Obviously trying to figure me out once again.

"Everyone thinks I'm this orphan girl, who's a waste of space and not going to amount to anything. I act like I do around new people to impress them and show off my intellect, make myself appear to be above the likes of Anderson and other such idiots." I rattled off rather quickly and I even think Sherlock had a hard time keeping up, "But you. We're on the same level. Well, almost. You're smart, really smart and I'm getting there, and with help from you I could be better."

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