Chapter 34- Why Is The Cat Inside Out?

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Darcy's POV.

We wandered around for ages, just talking and catching up. At some point he linked his arm though mine and I hadn't stopped him.

"So you've been an orphan your whole life?" He asked me as we arrived just outside Speedy's on Baker Street.

I nodded, "Uh, huh." I'd already told him about how my parents had died before I knew them, so he didn't press me on the matter.

Carl let go of my arm and gestured to the café, "Wanna go in? My treat."

I glanced quickly at the door to 221 Baker Street and shook my head, "I should see if Sherlock and John are back, see if they've solved the case."

"Oh, right." He said solemnly.

Noticing his expression, I did something I never thought I'd do, I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the black door. Without giving him chance to resist I opened it up loudly and pulled him inside, slamming it shut behind him.

"Oh!" A gasp came from Mrs Hudson's flat and out she hurried, looking rather angry but then her expression softened as she noticed Carl, "Oh. Who's this?"

I grabbed Carl's hand again, not wanting Mrs Hudson to get her hands on him, I'd never get him back, "A friend, Mrs H. Is Sherlock back?" I said loudly over Carl who was trying to introduce himself as I dragged him up the stairs to 221B.

"Can I get you two anything? Tea? Cake?" She shouted up after us.

I stopped us on the hall and called back down, "That'd be lovely, I'm sure John would love some too!"

"Last time! I'm not your housekeeper!" She argued and I heard her mumbling under her breath, Carl shot me confused glance.

As soon as I went to push open the door to the flat someone on the other side had already quickly opened it, "You took your time, get in." The ever charming voice said from inside.

"Where's Ian Monkford then? Barbados? Florida?" I asked as I entered, what I hadn't let on was that as we were walking around, Carl and me, was that I'd deduced that the blood on the seat was exactly a pint. Exactly.

Frozen. Spread On Seat. Faked Death. Mrs Monkford Cashes In Life Insurance.

"Colombia." Sherlock stated and dropped into the seat opposite John at the living room table, both still in their coats due to the freezing temperature.

John straightened up in shock, "Hold on a minute! You knew?!" He exclaimed pointing at me and then frowned at Carl who was stood next to me.

"Course I did. I was busy figuring that out as we were walking." I countered and shrugged, sighing as I sat in Sherlock's armchair and Carl stood in the middle of the room looking a tad bit annoyed.

"Glad to know you were paying attention to me." He commented and crossed his arms, glaring playfully at me.

Sherlock glared properly at him and said harshly, "You're still here."

"Urm, yes. I'm Carl Grisanti. Very nice to meet you properly, finally, Mr Holmes. I've heard a lot about you." Carl greeted and held his hand out to Sherlock, who simply looked at it in disgust before turning his gaze to me.

I mouthed, 'be nice' and he rolled his eyes before saying, "Sherlock. Mr Holmes is my egotistical older brother." He didn't shake Carl's and remained in his seat, looking at the wall behind John's head.

I snorted in laughter and Sherlock snapped his head around to glare at me, retuning the look at him as he walked quickly to the door and held it open, "Leave." I frowned but Sherlock pointed at Carl, "You. Get out. We're busy."

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