Chapter 14- He Scratched The Table.

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Darcy's POV.

A few days past and many uncomfortable nights on the sofa. Sherlock had been given cases, a lot of them he'd solved in a day and many of them he'd let me accompany him. And John too. Obviously.

One of my favourite cases I was allowed to join in on was two days ago...

We were sitting in Speedy's you know just a normal day sat drinking tea and eating cake, or nothing in Sherlock's case, when in stumbled a man who was rambling on about his brother and a car or something.

As soon as we'd heard what he'd actually said Sherlock had rushed out of the door and I'd followed after him. John darted out after us both and we were all stood in the street, wondering what the hell this man was going on about.

Soon, he was outside with us and pointed towards another man stood next to a car, we frowned and Sherlock rolled his eyes before we waltzed over almost getting knocked over on the way there.

Sherlock interrogated him and I deduced some things, minor things, it turns out someone had broken into his car and stolen his radio.

Sounds boring? Wrong!

There was no evidence of a break in, no smashed windows, no evidence of the lock being picked and his keys had been in his pocket the whole time.

Okay, so maybe not that interesting a case but Sherlock let me have full reign. This was my first case, however minimal, and it was exciting.

I left them to stand there with the man and Sherlock leant on the car door with his arms crossed, I wandered around the streets close to where the incident occurred looking for some kind of evidence.

As it turned out wandering aimlessly around in an alley didn't actually help find any evidence, then it hit me and I hurried back to the car.

"He pickpocketed your keys quickly and unlocked your car, took the radio and then locked your car before returning your keys swiftly to you, all before you got back to your car. Easy, done. Let's go get tea." I told him and he looked utterly shocked, I nodded at Sherlock before we made our way back to 221B.

As we crossed the threshold Sherlock said to me, "I wondered when you'd get it. His keys weren't in his pocket the whole time, only explanation. He wouldn't have known if they were missing as he had a problem with the nerves in his legs."

"So why didn't the thief steal his car?" I asked him.

He chuckled in response, "Would you with the state of that car? The radio was probably more expensive than the actual car. I wouldn't put it past the victim to have done it himself for insurance but I don't feel like calling Lestrade."

I laughed as we strolled up the stairs and removed our coats before settling down in the living room, in our usual seats.

Then cut to now and we were sat in the living room, as though we hadn't even moved and we'd just sat there for two whole days. But obviously John had gone to bed and I'd moved slightly, to actually sleep on the sofa rather than sit on it.

Sherlock. I had no idea, for all I knew he hadn't moved at all. I think he was wearing the same clothes, actually.

"Right I'm going shopping." John announced and he pushed himself up from his armchair, heading over to the door and putting on his jacket.

"Uh-huh." I nodded in acknowledgment and remained staring at the book in my lap. 'A Briefer History of Time.' By Stephen Hawking. If you were wondering.

Sherlock didn't even take notice of the fact that John was going, so I coughed a little and he glanced up at me from the book he was reading, and then over to John. "Yes. John. Good." He said, exasperatingly and looking back down at his book.

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