Chapter 22- The Name Of Her Cat.

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A/N- Again, this chapter isn't my best and I'm fully aware of that. Please read the author's note at the end. Thank you xx


Darcy's POV.

"How many murders is it gonna take before you start believing this maniac's out there?" John demanded as we stood a short distance away from Dimmock's desk, he was rummaging through some paperwork with his back to us and clearly not interested in what we had to say.

I was stood next to Sherlock with my arms wrapped around myself and my eyes wide as I watched Dimmock walk in between us, over to another desk behind. John, still determined to get him to listen, followed after him.

"A young girl was gunned down tonight." He said harshly and glanced back at me as I turned to face them both, he looked back at Dimmock and continued sternly, "That's three victims in three days. You're supposed to be finding him."

Sherlock now took it upon himself to try and approached Dimmock, getting closer to him than John was, who stepped back and walked to stand next to me in exasperation. Sherlock pointed behind himself at me and I frowned as he spoke lowly, "Remember her?" He asked him firmly and I shifted awkwardly as Dimmock looked over at me.

"Yeah, what about her?"

Sherlock glanced back at me briefly, "She just witnessed that same young girl die."

"About that, could I get a cup of tea or something?" I asked meekly, raising my hand a little at Dimmock.

An officer glanced at him questioningly and he nodded, the officer left and soon came back with tea in a polystyrene cup. I took it, smiling gratefully, and took a sip. "Thank you. I feel better already." I reassured both John and Sherlock cheerily.

"Brian Lukis and Eddie Van Coon were working for a gang of international smugglers- a gang called the Black Lotus operating here in London right under your nose." Sherlock informed Dimmock, soon forgetting about my wellbeing and back to the case.

Dimmock turned around to him, "Can you prove that?"

Sherlock straightened up and looked around at me, thoughtfully before smiling slightly, "Time for you to meet Molly."

I frowned and finished my lukewarm tea, "Who?"

"Come on." He almost ordered and headed for the door, I followed and put my cup in the bin. He turned back in the doorway to Dimmock, "Detective Inspector, meet us at St Barts Morgue in about twenty-or-so minutes."

"Sherlock!" John called after us both as we marched out of Scotland Yard, I smirked up at Sherlock as he looked down at me.

"Any better?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"I guess. Never gets any easier I suppose?" I commented and he just turned his attention away from me, he pushed the door open and stepped out onto the street.

I held my hand out and a taxi pulled up as John appeared behind us, I smirked at them both and quipped, "The student has become the master."

Sherlock just rolled his eyes and stepped into the taxi, I followed after him and leant forward to the driver, "St Barts Hospital, please." I then sat back in between John and Sherlock, smiling contently as we drove along.

"Who's Molly?" I asked as we pulled up outside the hospital and Sherlock stepped out, with me quickly behind him.

"You'll find out." He smirked down at me and I frowned, we stepped through the automatic doors to the hospital.

We carried on walking through the foyer but John stopped behind us, "Sherlock?" He called out and we both turned to face him, questioningly, "I'm gonna wait here, alright?"

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