Chapter 27- That Safe Feeling...

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A/N- Really wanted to update this fanfic I'm in a Sherlock mood >-< sorry if any of you read my other fanfic, I need to figure out where I'm initially going with it. To those who don't... then never mind ;) xx


Darcy's POV.

It's safe to say I didn't get much sleep that night, comfy bed or not. It might have been because of the window being open and the curtains blowing in the wind eerily.

Or maybe it was to do with the fact that every time I closed my eyes I heard his voice, that voice.

I tossed and turned in the bed sheets, it was no use. I grumbled and covered my face with my hands before rolling out of bed and trudging out the door towards the living room in my Harry Potter pyjamas.

Sherlock was actually sleeping on the sofa, still in his clothes he'd been wearing all day as John had forced me to go to bed extremely early and he had obviously not wanted to disturb me.

The thought made me smile and instead of sitting on an armchair I sat on the floor in front of the sofa. I wanted to feel safe and the closer I was to Sherlock, the safer I felt.

He stirred behind me and I held my breath, I didn't want him to wake up, he'd been through a lot the past couple of days.

A sudden chill whipped around my body and I put my arms around myself in attempt to warm myself up, the goose bumps still plagued my skin.

Maybe I should leave, I thought. Just go. Get out of here. If this crazed man was after me, then Sherlock and John would be in danger. Perhaps I should call it quits and just leave, then if he finds me and kills me nobody else could possibly be in danger.

"Nobody would miss me." I whispered under my breath, "If he killed me."

"I would." He said from behind me and I opened my mouth in shock and spun around to see he still had his eyes closed.

I frowned, "Really?"

He didn't answer and I half-smiled, laying my head on the sofa cushion next to him. I curled up into a ball, even though I was uncomfortable, I stayed there. As my eyes fluttered closed I felt a hand on my head and it stroked my hair lightly.

I smiled and shrank closer into the sofa, towards Sherlock.

It almost pained me to say it and freaked me out a little but... he was slowly becoming the Dad I never had.

Even if he didn't know it he was being more comforting than anyone had ever been towards me, that's mainly because I pushed everyone away from a young age.

What was I supposed to do when everyone in my life had already left me?

"I will never let him get that close to you again." Sherlock stated quietly and I smiled.

"Promise?" I asked hopefully, sounding an awful lot like a scared little girl.

I heard him chuckle, "Promise."


Sherlock's POV.

After waking up at god knows what hour in the morning I immediately swung my legs off the sofa only to collide with a body on the floor. Unfortunately not a dead one, where my forte lies but an alive one and one I hadn't thought I'd be dealing with at the early hour.


I suddenly remembered our conversation and what I had promised to do for her, she sounded scared, terrified even. Something, something inside, told me that I never wanted her to feel that way again.

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